Light DPS Precision and _______ plans?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by NoobThenPro, Apr 28, 2013.

  1. NoobThenPro New Player

    I know the most important stat is precision for light, but for plans which should i buy? There is Precision and Might. power, dominance, health.
  2. NoobThenPro New Player

  3. The Kitsune New Player

    Check the guides in Oracle database. They will give you all the info you need.
  4. GreenDrakkon Well-Known Player

    I have precision/power and might/health on mine. I try to keep precision and might equal. I'll be changing some of them as I now have precision/might 4.
  5. Jurgen Blitz Dedicated Player

    I go for Prec/Vit on most of my mods. That gives me two benefits:
    1) Even in DPS stance, I regenerate my power fast enough that I can put out a good damage even if the troller/s is leaving me/us short of power output.
    2) I can switch to troll while keeping my DPS gears, and effectively troll most content while killing adds almost as fast as the second/tertiary DPS, which makes the instance in case go faster.

    This said, I have to say that Prec/Vit is also a choice of mine because althoug I COULD socket a pure Prec/Prec&Might mod on my yellow sockets, sometimes the color synergy benefit gives me more than those plans do.
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