life and its mysteries

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by veneficus OP truncus, Nov 11, 2015.

  1. veneficus OP truncus Committed Player

    so i was thinking (dangerous i know)
    you make a doughnut and cover it with chocolate it becomes a chocolate doughnut.. but if you keep adding layers of chocolate upon layers of chocolate it then becomes a doughnut filled chocolate...
    at which point does this change occur? is there a proper ratio of chocolate per doughnut capita that makes this happen?
    my head jus exploded and would like to see how the dcuo community feels on this subject
    (and yes... before you ask.. i do have a chocolate doughnut that is quite delicious.. and yes you can be jealous) :p
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  2. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I've always thought about this too. Sometimes I go to a buffet somewhere and here someone saying "I had too much, I'm done" but what is the exact point of "too much"? Like how many molecules of food must you remove before a change in opinion? What's that line? I don't know I ponder things a lot.
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  3. veneficus OP truncus Committed Player

    LOLz exactly
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  4. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    There is not a fixed ammount, scientists have studied this since the Pharaoh told the romans to find out.

    But basically, the moment the middle hole in the doughnut is closed it is safe to call it a doughnut filled chocolate, this of course, if the total mass of doughnut in the object does not exceed 51% of the total mass. Now, if the internal doughnut is in turn, filled by another ingredient, unless it is chocolate, then said ingredient is to be factored into the total doughnut mass.
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  5. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    as always the correct answer is sometimes.
  6. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Actually, if you make a doughnut and cover it in chocolate it becomes a chocolate covered doughnut. However if you add chocolate to the batter making it chocolate batter and make a doughnut out of it, then it becomes a chocolate doughnut. Seriously, I'm not getting the confusion. This is as elementary as it comes. A real Mystery Question of life would be why we park on driveways but drive on parkways.

    Who needs a chocolate doughnut when I can have a buttercream icing filled doughnut from Century Bakery in Bridgeton, NJ. Believe me, they are addicting and are filled with delicious buttercream icing.
  7. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Seriously? I really wonder about the current state of our education system. Again, I'm not getting the confusion. If you eat to the point you vomit, that's called eating too much or more simply, if you eat a lot and you end up with a stomach ache or you are uncomfortable, you ate too much. Again, how is this a confusing aspect?
  8. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    You're not understanding the "in depth" aspect of the situation. Say you were to eat until full, yes your stomach let's your brain know 20 minutes later whether it's full or not, but what is the "limit"?? Say you were to take food out of your stomach, how much would you have to remove to be "un-full?" I want the answer down to the exact molecule.

    If this confused you then I have successfully done my job.
  9. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    You are the one who is confused: it's not a question of when you have eaten too much, but how much is too much, and how much has to be removed (in what ever fashion appeals to you) before you are no longer 'full'
  10. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    There's no set answer as different people have different tolerances. For me, I can gauge it easily. I had bariatric surgery so I know that I can only eat(or drink) a maximum of 8 ounces. If I eat any more I risk problems like vomiting. However, someone like Molly Schuyler(look her up) can eat three 72oz steaks and become Wing Bowl Champion and not bat an eye. It's in the eye of the eater.
  11. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    See? Not so confused now, are you :D