Letter to the Devs...

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Jameztowerz, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Jameztowerz Active Player

    I have contemplated writing this several times and I am not even sure I will get a response from any of the Developers, but I feel this needs to be said.

    I have played this game faithfully since shortly after launch. I like many others bared with the game through GU3, Hack Attack, Server Merge, F2P, WM, AMs, PIs, and CR differential. I have had times where I felt that it was time to let my sub lapse and move on, but something kept pulling me back. I love this game and have no problem supporting it, but I do have a problem with what seems like a huge setback with what I have seen with the new stat revamp. Now this are my opinions and feelings on the issue and I am not saying they are right or wrong either way.

    After looking at all the information that was poured out in the testing feedback section as well as watching several streams of the new gameplay (my pc is too slow to actually test), I am truly worried. It seems like we are about to take a huge step in the wrong direction with this. A lot of the complaints are the cool down times and the way the controller role is being what seems like phased out. I have played all roles in the game and do not see how this new revamp is a good thing. I have always been pro 2-2-2-2 and I understand that you as a team are trying to set this as almost a necessity going forward. The only thing is now each role is looking to basically just become hybrid dps/trolls as well as healers/dps/troll and tank/dps/troll.

    My biggest question is why are we just not putting the game back to what it was prior to GU47 or 46 i forget which one did the big change. Is there not a way to make the game and mechanics on the roles as they were shortly after launch where if you didnt have 60plus SP it was almost impossible to get a group to bring you into T2 and T3 raids when the raids actually took hours to complete due to the mechanics within and the actual length of the raid. I understand that most of those of us that play this game are classified as the fast food generation where we want everthing cheap fast and hot, but seriously I think more complexity in the actual content and going back to the roots of the game is what it needs to bring back the large number of players who left when they felt it all went down the drain.

    I am only asking that you consider these things before making final decisions on how you do the stat revamp and really listen to us the loyal paying customers who have been through hell and high water with you over the past six years.

    A loyal customer.
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  2. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Seriously just put the game/power mechanics back to GU36
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  3. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Exactly! Eliminate am & wm make a few minor tweaks and be done. You are destroying the combat mechanics of the game with these cool downs.
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  4. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    Well said, op. Couldn't agree more.
  5. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Yeah the combat is so slow and I don't feel powerful AOE wise using Electricity. It feels like I'm playing Legends PvE. Things may feel different when we are testing at end game but how it feels now isn't encouraging.
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