Letter to Mepps, Dev Team - T1 -T7 Raid Difficulty Adjustment Needed

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DC REBIRTH, Aug 21, 2017.

  1. DC REBIRTH Well-Known Player

    There seems to be a real ramp up in difficulty in lower tier raid. The t8 raids are actually more tolerable than 1t - t7.

    The other problem with the raids being this difficult is the sense of progression is skewed. After obtaining several higher tiers of gear, there should be a sense of accomplishment. Being able to go back and beat lower tier content was a part of that. Without it, it does not seem like there has been any progression at all with current difficulty of even hi tier players failing in lower tier raids.

    This is a double whammy because lowetier raids run by lower tier players is an impossibility. So we have 2 separate groups who cannot complete lower tier raids in general.

    Marks are also scarce and force the population to run alerts and raids.

    I am also including a problem with trolling in this message as well.
    Trolls are having a real difficult time here now because the actual percentage when reducing pot, power dump, total power pool, and regan, the percentage was actually reduced percentage of prior number rather than adjust of number per capital proportionate with AM/CR Differential Period.

    Trolls actually lost what they had gained. The same rule apply with healers. They are weaker than pre AM/Dr Diff era.

    The revamp is a huge success. Powers are balanced with a plethora of unique and original loadouts now. The powers are all hitting within the same ball park give a few 10 or 20 ft here and there.

    Solos, duos, and alerts are great.

    Raids, Trolls, and Healers need a little tweeking.

    Thank you Mepps, Dev Team
    • Like x 1
  2. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Read this:

  3. DC REBIRTH Well-Known Player

    Thank you for that. I totally missed that one.
  4. Gimpy Loyal Player

    No, they are not.
    • Like x 5
  5. The_fair_1 Committed Player

    I was gonna like his post and then I saw that all powers are equal and I'm like "nah". Test nature and rage then test sorcery and mental
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  6. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Powers need a little love. Content needs a little love. Movement abilities need a little love. I need a little love. Gimpy needs a drink.
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  7. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Same here.

    That balance line stopped me from pressing the like button.

    So close.... but so far. ;) ;)
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  8. MaverickRaven657 Well-Known Player

    I've been saying this for a while, even before it went live. This thing was rushed and it really shows in the lower tiers. What's most distressing about the whole thing is that they just did "difficulty sweeps" or whatever and they haven't changed a thing yet.

    Revamp is broken on several fundamental levels. It makes content run longer, but not because of substance. LPVE is destroyed, especially if you wanna get feats. PVP, actually I don't even have to discuss that one. And let's not forget about the fact that as a whole, most of us feel depowered, and we aren't happy about it either.
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  9. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    After changing from sorcery to rage, I can tell you for sure. Rage is obviously balanced. :)
  10. The_fair_1 Committed Player

    Obviously XD I mean I get rages trade off for melee over range lol
  11. Gimpy Loyal Player

    Just got a new quart jar of shine, I'm covered for a month.:p
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  12. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    "Quart jar of shine"???

    ............................................ MoonShine???:confused:
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  13. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    • Like x 1
  14. Gimpy Loyal Player
