Let's Talk About Roles

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dibs, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. Dibs New Player

    Please Note that these are my ideas and thoughts. Lets start with controlling: I feel like Controllers have too much on their plate at once. P.o.t Is a controllers Prime move. I feel it takes a chunk of power (Gadgets for instance quantum is pretty balanced , and well mental is broken to hell HL is a matter of clipping so for the sake of my point i wont mention it). Recharge (Defibrillator Etc.) Takes quite a bit of power and debuffs do too ( and for the sake of my point this is disregarding people with like a trillion power) As a Troller, I feel that power consumption for Recharge (or what ever your recharge power is called) should be reduced significantly. Healers: Not too much going on too me healing is actually pretty good :) Tanking: with tanking i feel like fire is @ the bottom of the charts Ice is PERFECT for pve but a pain in the *** for pvp. Earth is so-so to me thats my opinion. Rage is phenomenal With the health buffs but in pvp that can be hard as hell to beat. Fire: Heres where things get serious, Fire is failing pretty hard. The health spurts are nice and all but it isn't enough to keep agro i feel. You have to use other pulls (face it back draft is garbage) acro+fire is a good combo but you have to put too much into it. I myself dont play fire anymore. DPS: theres not too much wrong with it i feel. But i will discuss hard light in the dps since. HL is not as strong compared to other powers (Fire,earth,ice,quantum, rage ETC) it lacks in alot of ways. Power consumption is ridiculous(Rage is no different ) The sheer amount of clipping tires me and all that work for low damage. If you actually sat through that then YOU ROCK! Anyway that was my thoughts on the roles please tell me what you think i will read the answers ^_^ talk to you guys later. PS I didn't mention powers like Gadgets mental and a couple others ill talk about those in the future.
  2. Dibs New Player

    And also Why the hell is a fire pull a lvl 12 power it should at least be a lvl 8 power if they wanna build a tree like that :)
  3. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Are we talking about roles, cuz it seems you are talking about powersets in particular, not roles, but if anything electricity and earth need a buff, and thats my two cents.
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  4. Dibs New Player

    well in a since im talking about power functions in the roles so yeah guess i am talking about the power
  5. Korlick Loyal Player

    I really dont know where to begin lol
    Ok, first of all , watch this : https://forums.station.sony.com/dcu...hout-healer-3-man-nexus-fire-tank-pov.191897/

    Now...you are saying that the health buff its nice but not enough to keep aggro? really? I really want to believe that you are not saying that the health buff has anything to do with aggro.
    And then you talk trash about Backdraft. That it is garbage. So...you are trying to tell me that a power that pulls ,not one , two or three enemies...but EVERYONE around you in a 360º area , knocks them out and heals you is a garbage power? Really?

    So this says it all. You suck at fire and never get to be a good fire tank, so you talk trash about the power set.
    It is true, Fire is one of the harder tank power to play, its more unforgiving and requires more skill points to max out all their innates. But that doesnt mean that it is the worst.
    So...first learn how to play, then talk.
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  6. Dibs New Player

    first off said this was my opinion never said its the worst and no im not implying that health has anything to do with agro you missed the whole point on what i said I felt was the best thats MY OPINION! so no need to be hurt over it
  7. Dibs New Player

    meant wasnt
  8. The Johnny army New Player

    I passed out after reading this, woke up, re-read it and passed out again. I know you are saying it's your opinion, but what do you base it on? Your own personal experience or what you pick up from scoreboards between dps of different powers?

    Because let me tell you, those first two powers you give as example to DPS powers that are BETTER than HL... Users have been asking for BUFFS to them. Now I'm not saying they are weak. But I can honestly say you are the first person in these forums I have ever seen say that. EVER. HL is usually at the top of the damage charts. That's why you see so many Light DPS.

    But, again, I know this was your opinion, and I was just trying to give you mine.
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  9. Dibs New Player


    i based it on the score card after a nexus run and my own experience
  10. Dibs New Player

    thank you for your honesty and feedback :)
  11. Twilight Man New Player

    You should do a little more research
  12. Dibs New Player

    i know this was with what i had known i will remake this and do a better job <3 thank you for your feedback
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