***Legends Sparring Targets***

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by IThe MasterI, Nov 15, 2013.

  1. IThe MasterI Active Player

    I'd love to fight a simulated Circe or Sinestro in my Lair! ;)

    Disclaimer: (As long as I get mine for free) lol
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  2. Minnion Devoted Player

    That wouldn't be a bad idea for a marketplace item/amenity... Why don't we have these?
  3. Martian Reaver Well-Known Player

    I want to be able to use the sparring target as a legend to practice with them outside of the matches
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  4. danielqpk New Player

    I want sparring targets that don't require me to use a cola in the middle of my rotation...
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  5. IThe MasterI Active Player

    One last bit: I think it would be cool (if not prudent) for the "Legend Sparring Target's" Combat Mode to be manually Activated/Deactivated via the Lair's Control panel.

    *And I don't know how much programming this would take, but also if there could be a Difficulty Level that can also be manually set for the LSTs, (possibly lvls 1 - 5).

    *P.S. -Really cool ideas guys, thanks for the suggestions!