Legends quest 5 vs 5 does not update

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Nutrient, May 18, 2013.

  1. Nutrient New Player

    Hello. I submitted a petition after doing a 5 vs 5 and winning a few times and not getting an update on the quest. The GM responded that it was a known issue and that players were talking about it on here but I couldn't find anything (forgive me if it's here-I'm new and don't know every thread though I did look for an hour and got bored). When I ask in game, nobody ever responds either. I tried the villain and the more populated heroes side as well. I'm guessing it's not that known after all so I figured that I would post about it. I would of course rather you fix any dps or heals or major issues first as those are the most important in a game but this should be looked at eventually. As a new player, it really does not inspire to keep playing when one of the low level quests does not work. Yes I also tried making different characters on different sides and it was always the same issue.