Legends PVE Bug

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SERPENTXOFXGOD, Jan 20, 2015.

  1. SERPENTXOFXGOD Well-Known Player

    I noticed in League of a assassin if you get knock out and the cut scene comes on when Ra-gaul is about to jump in that water by the time the second round starts your timer will be up and dead with out anyone having a chance to pick you up.
  2. Sbel Devoted Player

    Yup. That's the fun thing about fights with cutscenes in the middle. :(
  3. QuagmirePrime Well-Known Player

    That actually happened to me as well. Sorry guys, let's do it one more time! :rolleyes:
  4. Dogico Loyal Player

    I'm not sure if that would be considered a bug (althought it does suck when it happens) but that's how getting knocked out during cut scenes has worked for as long as I can remember.
  5. Nugemiester Active Player

    It's always rough when you lose a person at that point, so we just make sure we at least stop dps'n and rally our teammate, or make a good attempt and rally them the second before while the cut scene begins.
  6. Sore Steadfast Player

    Second Form:
    All 4 stay ranged. 2-4 people barely attack at all and just lunge when he shows a vulnerability icon and does the stomp smash animation. 0-2 people go to town with massive ranged damage. Everyone keeps an eye out for his bull charge. If you wanna be clever, have everyone stand on the fire by the stairs it's bot 100% safe but he has some elevation issues with his targeting.