Legends Bombshell Supergirl and Wonder Woman Not Available for Premium

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DCUO Post, Aug 25, 2015.

  1. Pults Loyal Player

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  2. Mr. Awesome Well-Known Player

    Allow me to answer a question with a question. Why shouldn't DCUO want people to pay money for these skins regardless of their status? This doesn't add anything to the legendary benefits, it merely restricts the non-member status. Regardless of whether or not non-members can purchase the skins they are still free for members, just like every other legend skin/character. That means Legendary gained nothing. While non-members lost something.

    It is this type of monetization tactics that has pushed me away from this game. I wish this games subscription model was defined by the benefits of the membership not by the restrictions of the A la carte route.

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  3. Scar-Red Nova Dedicated Player

    This is what I'm talking about. We know you guys aren't booming financially. Why are you missing opportunities to legitimately monetize the game?? Instead of freaking nickel and dimeing people on elite locks, leaving bugs in the game that cause people to lose replays and not refunding them, and leaving exploits in the game which cause people to reach into their pockets you could actually put fun things people might buy in the marketplace. Let me make this clear too, I am a member and I'm always happy about membership perks, but it's kind of annoying when I see you guys making these weird decisions. Cosmetic things should be available to purchase because they don't change the game for ANYONE who's willing to put their dollars towards it. That generates revenue and you didn't have to cheat to steal it from someone's pocket.
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  4. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    There are many ways to "legitimately monetize the game." Membership is one. Marketplace cosmetics are another. Both are important and neither should be ignored, because different people will choose to support the game in different ways.
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  5. Mr. Awesome Well-Known Player

    My perception (that is perhaps shared by others) is that Marketplace cosmetics has most certainly been ignored. This new development with the legends skins is the most recent example. The booster bundles are perhaps the only thing I can say is not ignored.

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  6. Scar-Red Nova Dedicated Player

    Thanks for taking time to respond Mepps, we appreciate it. I agree with what you said, however your words are a bit of a tangent to the issue.

    I don't have your current financials but in the past it was stated that a lot of the junk on the MP doesn't sell so well, and you guys have openly admitted that there are some really... "unheroic" let's say items you guys have for sale up there. I understand there's not a lot of freedom for certain things due to your licensing with DC and their limits but there's a whole new relationship you guys have forged here with the Bombshells thing. This thing could to be huge, and it'd be so great if you guys could use this to your advantage, but I see the current model limiting yourselves because it's outdated. I'm just speculating but it seems like you guys are afraid to put resources towards overhauling the MP, but that's really the lifeblood of the MMOs. Just look at MOBAs who are the kings of the MMO space right now, tons of money off cosmetics.

    This Bombshell thing could be a huge draw to the game and it's certainly less work and some quick cash to say "sub up if you want this", but how many new players are going to do that? And exactly how many players on break/retired do you guys think are going to feel Bombshell Wonder Woman costume or whatever is the last thing needed to get them to come back? I don't think it adds so much value to membership that it's worth sacrificing profit from free or premium users. Like, do you guys realize that your're the only game to have these Bombshell characters? It's win-win for players and the team.
  7. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    Just sub up for a month use your marks to buy the bombshells skins problem solved.
  8. Sbel Devoted Player

    Not delighted about that btw. I'm a member and I was going to put those 2 on my "buy next time there's a sale" list. Now I'm not going to get them on my alts and you're not going to get any money from me for them. They should also be available in the Marketplace for Legendary members imo.
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  9. Pults Loyal Player

    Any plans on offering different value subscriptions? With lesser or more features?
  10. LaughingRiot Well-Known Player

    So they think by offering cosmetic skins on two legends I'll have an incentive to subscribe to be a member? Get real. I'll stick with Joker, or Two-Face.
  11. Proxystar #Perception

    Tbh mepps you've answered this like a politician and I'm going to call you on it a little.

    There kind of is a pay wall on elite gear or gear in general whether you developers want to actually acknowledge it is a different story.

    The idea has always been that most people will complete a set of gear before a dlc ends etc. So with this new method that dlc cycle is 3 episodes right.

    Are the devs maintaing their stance that loot drops are high enough for people to complete a set without replays by the time the cycle ends?

    What is the devs actual stance will we complete the style or will we get a complete set of gear by the end because those are actually entirely different things.

    The problem I have is that as a long standing player of this game I see very few people finish the style by end of cycle without the use of replays so I honestly find it difficult to accept either has ever been true. There is almost always a piece or two that continually elude a player, almost like the game knows and does it to annoy you.

    The reality is you're creating an environment that encourages the need for elite gear, you're implementing elite generator mods that give quite significant stat improvements etc. If the drop rates on the elite gear isn't right then you'll end up with an even further divided community defined largely by the haves and the have nots.

    You then get community frustration setting in when the elitist attitudes run wild requesting people have elite gear and mods to run fos3.

    Whether the devs are deliberately creating the wall or not doesn't stop the wall from existing.

    This is a very slippery slope to head down and quite honestly in interested in your thoughts and seeing how this plays out over the next few episode cycles.
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  12. Dezaras Loyal Player

    All it does is feed the elite. Elite gear, from elite raids, modded with elite affinities. What about the non-elites? Are we supposed to be happy with our lesser mods? Our older, lesser mods, I might add. I feel like the non-elites are being excluded. We get lesser gear (which would be fine if the styles weren't inferior as well), and we don't get any new kind of stat boost. I fear you're right: it will be a case of max CR, max SP, full elite gear, fully elite modded, for Area 51.

    Yeah maybe I'm overreacting but what about something new for the non-elites? I get inferior stats but inferior styles, less mods is a bit much. Fair enough maybe it could be argued that those who complete elite content deserve better looking gear, but like you said: wall. How many of us are gonna get a fair stab at the better stuff when attitudes demand the bestest of the best, no compromise, not a CR lower?

    Oh and if I wasn't a (three account) sub I wouldn't be swayed by a couple of Bombshell skins. Just saying.

    Rant over.
  13. Mr. Awesome Well-Known Player

    This is a very good point. Even some of the Legendary "warriors" have failed to realize that they do not come out of this unscathed. It will be a hassle to get these legendary toons on more than one character.

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  14. DarkAya Dedicated Player

    Really, really bad decision, here's why:
    1. Simply 2 new skins won't encourage people to sub, come on...;)
    2. Lots of premiums would spend their money to get these and you don't need that $ apparently :confused:
    3. People can't redeem them on many alts they got these days :mad: so why bother just for one?
    ...and I wonder if this is just a one-timer or you gonna do such stuff in the future, knowing your
    capability of making weird decisions I might be right.
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  15. Circe New Player

    This is so lame. Like what? Completely inconsistent, and makes no sense whatsoever. So why are Harley and Catwoman variants available to purchase? Ugh.

    Well, if you wanted to distance me from the game even more, this decision definitely did. I had like 1500 Marketplace cash saved up, and I was thinking of buying these.
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  16. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    You do know you COULD buy legendary for a month and run a bunch of Arenas or PvP legends to get them. You could look at it as buying an episode.
  17. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    You're conflating a few things, and making assumptions that we are not.

    First, everyone plays the game at different rates, so while *you* may have always been able to complete a set of gear before the next DLC, that's great, but there is a wide swath of people playing more than you (probably craving more, faster content, with Marks and drops to burn) and less than you (possibly frustrated trying to keep up, not completing gear sets in time).

    Second, when you say "the idea has always been that most people will complete a set of gear before a dlc ends," this is and isn't true, depending on what kind of gear you are talking about. In the past, as now, this sentiment applies to vendor gear. There is ample time and Marks between releases for a reasonably active player to obtain a full vendor set of gear. Vendor gear is what's required to move on to new content, to keep up with your leaguemates or friends, and everything else is extra for those that desire extra.

    Third, it is not guaranteed or expected that everyone will acquire all (regular) rare drops before a certain time or ever. These are special, cool things that are in part special and cool because they are hard to get and because getting them is not guaranteed. They are extras.

    Fourth, the same applies even more to elite drops - this is even more an extra, a farther chase for the players that really want to go after that challenge and achievement. It's not a guarantee, and it's not tailored to everyone's individual time and pace of play. You have the potential to get a full set of elite gear from two episodes, the potential to unlock the full power of the affinity mod system, the option to continue working on an elite set or moving on to new content (or both), in an uncertain timeframe. It's not something that anyone is entitled to, and that achievement has no time limit on it.

    No one needs a full set of elite gear to move on to new content. Everyone wants as much elite gear as they can get, and that's what makes having it, getting it, wanting it special.
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  18. Remander Steadfast Player

    If that post want so long, I'd put it in my signature, Mepps. ;)
  19. Proxystar #Perception

    Sorry for my late reply, I've been busy. I appreciate your thoughts I really do. I'm glad that you've shared them.

    I gather I am correct then in stating that there is effectively a pay wall in place for rare and elite drops. The reason I say that is because you're acknowledging that many people will not get the set unless they strive for it.

    By strive for it, let's not beat around the Bush, that means replay badge use. The reason for that is because we both know the drop rates for gear are low enough to mean that short of being exceptionally lucky you're going to need to use replays to get the best gear while it remains relevant.

    I'm not saying such a model is wrong but it's good to at least acknowledge that the pay wall exists because that's just the reality.

    I'm also a little curious as to why the devs have decided releasing the same 4 rare pieces elite and normal over an 8 period week was the best idea? Is there not a better way?

    I say this because the community at the moment as evidenced by other threads is rather concerned about the people running around with no mods etc.

    Unfortunately can you blame them when there's vendor gear, rare gear and now elite gear, all being the same pieces available over a short time period.

    What pieces do you decide to mod when everything is replaced the very next day. You're either going through mass materials or total kits etc. Arguably another pay wall or at the very least not well planned.

    Happy to hear your continued thoughts.