Legend Character: Batman (Pre Order) & TV Costume Girl

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Maddie Xin, Jan 18, 2018.

  1. Maddie Xin New Player


    As a collector of...everything in game, I would love to see the pre order batman being added to vendor or marketplace for us late starters, so we have a chance of obtaining them all.

    Then theres the last on the list which is the TV Costume Supergirl is it? Which cant be seen on any vendor or marketplace, and I cannot figure out where to aquire her.
    So same principle goes for her.
  2. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Both were limited items that are bound by certain agreements that will keep them as exactly that.
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  3. Mr Furious Well-Known Player

    If they are true to their word then you won't see them.

    I did say 'IF'.
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  4. Rusty Metal Active Player

    if I could wish for an unobtainable item to return,
    I would wish for the elvis outfit from years ago
    and to be able to go into the blimps again.
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  5. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    Sorry but you are going to have to do without, like the rest of us.

    The pre-order Batman can never be re-released do to the contracts that made it possible in the first place. The contracts with the stores that carried it, state that it was to be a one time offer through them only.

    The TV Supergirl was also a special deal with then CBS to promote the first season of the show, they had also changed all the Supergirl NPCs in the game to look the same. This was to be a temporary thing only and there was some confusion as to when the temporary was to end that got it caught up in the BvS promo mess.

    As a collector in real life, I understand the desire to want get it all but we all have to accept that there are just things that we will miss out on, especially with an aging game such as DCUO.
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  6. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Sorry, but no. This has been asked for, and denied because if all the different contracts they had. Target, Wal-Mart, and others all had preorder items. If ya missed out, ya missed out.

    Pre order or exclusive items are really that if they just release them at a later date. Sorry.

    Don't worry, I wish I would have gotten the Jokers duel pistols and the Batman trinket. But I didn't, and can't. I'll live, and so will everyone else that didn't get to play 7 years ago.
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  7. Quantum Rising Committed Player

    Someone was having fun with you.
  8. Dene Devoted Player

    Wasn't the Elvis a give away at SOE Live ? Wonder if it is technically exclusive ?
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  9. Shadow Force Committed Player

    Ah... this reminds me of a person on Youtube asking me to borrow my account to play you can imagine what i said:D.
  10. Shadow Force Committed Player

  11. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    I would happily pay a chunk of change for that Elivs style.
  12. Hraesvelg Always Right

    No one tell the OP about the Two-Face mask, Back from the Hack Hoodie, and the early Booster Bundles...or the Scarecrow cleavers, or the SOE Live sign...or the anniversary gifts...
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  13. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    I dislike the word 'never' because that's a mighty long time. In a universe of infinite possibilities, there's always a chance...

    As mentioned above, DCUO signed agreements with several different retailers for these exclusives. We can't see those contracts, and we don't really know if there might be time-sensitive loopholes therein, but there could be.

    For instance, if one or all of those retailers went belly-up, I suppose it's conceivable that their exclusive content could be released to the masses. Of course, for something like Pre-Release Batman, that would include GameStop, Walmart, Target and Amazon, so such an occurrence is highly unlikely. But you never know...
  14. Plowed In Loyal Player

    If you’re on PS4 we can share play and you can be my OG Batman :)
  15. Batrederik Dedicated Player

    Was? BvS emblems?? also a special deal.?? Like? temporary thing ??
    “just if you know.
  16. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Yes they were limited-time deals.
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  17. Batrederik Dedicated Player

  18. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    They also got SOE base items and a Uncle Sam trinket on time too.
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  19. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    Yes. They were bound with the Bats vs Supes movie release, but not announced to be "limited time" items back then. It even seemed that the dev/marketing team was as surprised as many players when the "deal" ran out. A lot of people who told me "are you insane???" back then when I directly bought them instead of waiting for a sale were seriously trying to sink their own teeth into their own behinds when they realized that they missed out on the item for the chance to get it 20% reduced "later".

    Since the way it happened to be "temporary limited" did not seem to be intended from the start nor was advertised, this is actually the one deal the community in majority wouldn't argue against a re-release (since Daybreak would still be true to their word). For all other items, they were "limited edition" from the start and sold just like that, or added for anniversaries/celebrations or to make up for things really being bad. Players would feel cheated if these "exclusive" items were re-released. The "exclusive" perk made some people sink money into them in the first place.

    Having said this, it's a perfect example of why adding "exclusives" of any kind is a bad marketing strategy. Yes, it makes easy money in the start, but it will also create unsatisfied customers later if the product survives long enough.
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  20. Batrederik Dedicated Player

    If you don't mind, I have another question.

    Since BvS emblems was a special deal...
    do you think??????? the DEVS
    Can do christian bale's batman full batsuit?? for an temporary limited ?

    i'll love to have that batsuit from The Dark Knight aka The Dark Knight Rises for an temporary limited.

    “He is my favorite Batman*