lease do something.

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Barry Allen, Oct 12, 2023.

  1. Barry Allen Well-Known Player

    I've been playing for many years and I'm still waiting for them to do something to improve the broker. Do you realize how overwhelming it is, for example, to complete collections? Yes, you can only see the collections you're missing, but who thought it was a good idea to buy them one by one?

    I suggest the creation of a "checkmark" system to allow users to select all the items they want to purchase. This system should show how much money is being spent and a "clear all" button to uncheck all the boxes. You could also implement a feature that automatically removes all other identical items from the list when a user selects an item. This would help players avoid accidentally checking the same item twice. At the end of the selection, a button should appear that says "buy all" and that only sends an email to the mailbox (this is very important. All items in just one email). I believe that this small modification would drastically speed up the purchase and sale of items in the game. Any other suggestions are welcome.
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  2. Sergeant New Player

    I don't know if it would be at all possible, but...I would like to know if it would be possible to compile the collections list in an alphabetical order as well. You know, instead off searching through to find the specific one your looking for out of all the global collections. I've heard that the collection list is set to the order in which episodes came out, so not sure if that info is accurate or not. Just curious if there's a reason its not set up that way.?
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