Leagues recruitment requirements crack me up

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by fozz454, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. SuperBell Loyal Player

    I have a little trouble believing part of the application process is for the benefit of the other player.

    In the broader sense, I find people taking too seriously something that shouldn't be, to be ridiculous. So that's why I find having to apply to be in a League to be ridiculous. In my mind, it's like having to fill out an application in order to sit at somebody's lunch table in high school.
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  2. Jamie New Player

    This very debate happened in my league as well. In the end the league voted to focus on end game content.
  3. Cable Committed Player

    There's on thing that I'm not sure has been mentioned but 100 CR also ensures that the person has DLC. It just isn't possible to get to that CR without it. I got nothing against free players (we've got some in our league) but I also understand people that want to play with people that can actually all run the same content. The 100 sp I think is really a bit debatable, but again I don't really see why it should matter what other people want to do with their league requirements. I regularly help people with lower end content, game mechanics, feats, you name it and I have no problem doing it but when you start getting a league with a decent amount of people that all need help on lower end content how are you supposed to find the time progress your own character? I may not agree with a league with such requirements but I can understand it completely.
  4. houseofcantor New Player

    It sounds pretentious in chat, but it really ain't if you think about it. What I'm thinking, anyway.
  5. Tesseract Prime Dedicated Player

    Part of the application process is for the benefit of the other player. Not all of it, sure, but it's as much a waste of our time as it is theirs if they're not going to fit in. Hell, we could suck them dry of prestige and never run content with them at all...but we don't.

    You're saying, then, that leagues shouldn't be taken seriously. That doing so is ridiculous. I think your "lunch table" analogy shows that you view leagues as nothing more than a place to have idle conversation with others. That's not what we use leagues as.

    Leagues are communities, they are clubs that revolve around a game, they are teams that strive to compete with others.

    Would you think it ridiculous to have a trial process for selecting members of a sports team? Would you want people to demonstrate an interest in your game before allowing them to join a club?
  6. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Personally I wouldn't say that, but I would go so far as to say that the amount of seriousness you give a league should be kept in perspective. After all, at the end of the day it's part of a game, and treating it with the same level of attention and seriousness that one might give a job is going to at least raise an eyebrow or two in parts of the community.

    It is your league and you folks are free to do as you wish, and knowing what I do of Odyssey and their accomplishments I'm not going to knock you for it because it's working for you. But there are those out there that would look at an extensive interview process and just reply, "Dude, chill, it's just a game."
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  7. Silent Juice New Player

    Well said I agree with you 100%. Your not going to get any better by complaining on the forums.
  8. xRI0Tx Well-Known Player

    That's the beauty of it. There are people who look at that level of seriousness and have no issue at all. People who share similar perspectives and goals are more likely to have a more enjoyable experience by playing together.

    It may be just a game, but from my own experience I get more joy and stimulation out of things when I do put in more effort and take it to that next level. It applies to all aspects of my life, I worked hard in college, I work very hard at my job, I enjoy putting extra effort into my relationships.

    It just feels natural to apply that level of dedication to hobbies like gaming, music sports ect. For some people that is just apart of their personality. Is it really so wrong to want to surround yourself with people who share that same level of dedication?
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  9. Cyclotrode X New Player

    20 over cr I've always said. gimme something I can work with. if your 103/67 you've been carried and show no interest in progression and are nothing more than an anchor. not a l33t3 point of view, and not unreasonable imo. sp is easily gotten if you play the game and not look for the shortest route to get the best stuff. so if you're cr 43 w/63sp you're more than welcome to join our league.
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  10. SuperBell Loyal Player

    I meant the game shouldn't be taken too seriously. Like I said to the other guy, Leagues at it's foundation are groups of people, like the lunch table. So, to me, having to prove that you are worthy to included in that group is ridiculous.

    Things like sports teams and gaming clubs in the real world can only have so many people.
  11. Tesseract Prime Dedicated Player

    That's ok, because the people that want to join our league but not enough to fill out our form are the ones we're not interested in having. We don't want people in the league just because they've seen our videos and think it would be cool to play with us. We actually want people dedicated to the game.

    You're right, the game shouldn't be taken too seriously. But where exactly is that "too seriously" line? Who gets to decide? I don't really see issues with taking it any more or less seriously than any other sport; some people take sports very seriously indeed.

    I've already said that the lunch table analogy only works for how you see leagues. My league is not a lunch table, so I have no issues with asking for an application before joining.
  12. SuperBell Loyal Player

    I'll give you that. You probably get a lot of request because you're famous. But you are the rare exception in this case. I would also find it ridiculous to want to be in a League just because they are famous.

    I realize many people take sports too seriously. I've seen many fights happen because of it.

    I'm not sure if you are getting my lunch table analogy. It's nothing personal, though. It's just how I look at the idea of requirements.