League hall teleporters

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by I3eleth, Jan 8, 2021.

  1. I3eleth Well-Known Player

    Would be cool if we could install teleporter mods in our league halls and use that teleporter with urgent war fronts and to go to people's bases etc. It'd be nice for other players unilke myself who have bought a teleporter for my base it'd be helpful to newer players who haven't got the locations etc memorized yet and it would help simplify it for them.
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  2. KiraDanvers Well-Known Player

    That wouldn't be a bad idea. I definitely feel the devs need to look at ways to update league halls in general and make them actually useful to give people a reason to go there. At the moment they are basically just empty, pointless shells. No-one ever seems to go to them apart from to use the bank or to activate proficiencies.

    League halls should really be able to function as our own private Watchtower/Hall of Doom, with all the appropriate vendors etc. It would be nice to give them purpose so they actually start to become populated and feel alive. (adding it as a teleport location from the map screen would help people to get there quickly too)
    I mean, how cool would it be to travel there and see tonnes of your league-mates in there just going about their business? Whenever I go to a league hall (be it mine, or someone elses) it's just a lifeless ghost town.
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  3. Vella Well-Known Player

    You can teleport from your base to league hall, but you can't teleport from your league hall to base. Yup makes sense.
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  4. Tros Well-Known Player

    Indeed, my friend. I also have teleporter and more 8 amenities, i too miss that teleporter to bases and warfronts in league halls. I also miss a amenities that makes u can donate items to league hall from ur base. With that amenitie i would never leave my base lol.
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  5. Tros Well-Known Player

    truth. When i decorate league hall, i have to ask members to come to see it. Because no one go there anyways, except to put event collections in league bank.
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