Launching Today: Episode 24, Game Update 60, and the Booster Bundle!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, May 19, 2016.

  1. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    They already said it will be fixed on the next client hotfix, which will be next week some time. They can't do it before them because they have to wait for clearance from PSN, DC and XBL.

    Could have saved all this, of course, if somebody had thought to check how the update affected the VotH skin, which was the obvious choice for people to use with the material. :rolleyes:
  2. Infamous Ink New Player

    My apologies ... I know I probably shouldn't post this here but I can't figure out where to go or who to get a hold of ... I can't seem to find anywhere to post ... I'm new to forums and I'm just trying to figure out why I can't play DCUO on my xbox one anymore ... I know Mepps was around a lil while before hand in game then later on it stopped working hopefully that's not the case ... I'm getting an error that says ... "There was an authentication issue connecting to the world. Please try again. <0x0121>" I've looked everywhere for this error ... I've tried alot of different places ... but I can't seem to get an answer ... I just wanna play the game so if I did something wrong. I apologize just help me out please? I'm Infamous Ink in game if you know of me please help me out, thanks for reading ... sorry for the long post ... Hope to hear from anyone that can help me with my problem.
  3. aortenruptur Well-Known Player

    Exactly, I know it is hard to check and test everything. Especially when your are understaffed.
    BUT, we pay a normal, fair price and can expect more than sub-par results and game-experiences.
    Other companies manage way better.
    (Don't axe Devs/workers, cut the waterhead/management :D)
    And to test such obvious choice like cosmic skin WITH cosmic material are a no-brainer.

    If you work someplace that has a red tape problem; cut, burn or get rid of it.
    Avoid making your problems the paying costumers problems at all costs.
  4. Infamous Ink New Player

    Seriously any help would be greatly appreciate ... for some reason I can't post ANYWHERE but here ... My post is like 1 post above ... it says I don't have the privileges to post anywhere else and it's driving me nuts ... I know someone on these forums must know something ...?
  5. Rekn Well-Known Player

    PM a Dev or go to support.
  6. garrick New Player

    how come i cant post anything in guides..,i can post is in here?
  7. Bpdjinn New Player

    Tengo un problema, antes jugaba en la ps3 y cuando bajo el juego al ps4 mis personajes no estaban. Decía que mis personajes fueron borados y que tenía que recuperarlos y tenía que pagar? Yo no eh borado mis personajes espero que e ayuden Gracias
  8. Infamous Ink New Player

    I would love to PM a dev but it won't let me ... I'm seriously losing my mind ... support is useless btw ... I have limited privileges on forums for some reason which makes it really hard to do anything or get help ...
  9. Mefromnorway Level 30

    Can i Ask u why is new raid and duo more easy at hero side. U made It to hard at villain side, i never rerun this raid like i is now. So easy to SEE rais more easy at hero side. Is hero to noob. ?????
  10. Isai Maldonado New Player

    I want water powers now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • Like x 2
  11. Tanya_83 Level 30

    My character's head looks like a cosmic tampon o_O
  12. AbBaNdOn_IGN Committed Player

    Why no answer about episode bundles on ps4??

    Episode Bundles 1-2 are on the ps+ store. But not episode bundle 3.

    They are NON EXISTANT in the in-game marketplace. Please fix this ASAP. Why make it so hard for people to give you money???
  13. N7Austin New Player

    Hope everyone enjoyed my giveaway today, my in game name was austin until I deleted it and someone else took over the mantle. I can't make a topic rn but will when I can with the videos of me giving everything away. I really enjoyed playing in the community for the time I did but it is time for me to move on, and I didn't wanna be a toon that kept eveything and pulled rare items out of circulation.

  14. Demanial Level 30

    so the cosmic stuff purchased in the store is still messed up, and with the new material we basically got it for nothing so if they are not going to fix it how bout a refund maybe some free loyalty points far as the new episode goes the only problem i have seen is the new raid being hard enough to kick most players so hard they don't want to go back in it which is nice but a group of 167+CR and 150+ sp should be able to do it no problem. Far as the game running properly guess they finally got their crap together i haven't had to much trouble staying online so good going there dc much better then the last few months
  15. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Except that they ARE going to fix it in the next client update, which is some time this week. It's been mentioned a number of times in the various threads about it, right since the glitch first happened.
  16. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

  17. Madam Crystaline New Player

    Didn't really know where else to post this, "Tyrant" Villain league on Xbox US cleared the first two sets of bosses on Saturday and cleared the entire raid on Monday. To my knowledge we were the first Villains to clear on Xbox. Tried to send a tweet to dcuo when it was done. We are all fresh players to the game and have a solid league going.
    The raid was solo trolled which was awesome.
    It was a full league clear live streamed and FUN.
  18. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Good job. Tell your troll to get used it soloing. That is the norm for trolls and heals.
  19. Madam Crystaline New Player

    Thanks doing this raid was rough, raid group SP average is like 95.
  20. KidSuperBoy Well-Known Player

    Well Dev's, I must say excellent job with the Cosmic update! Everyone's totally happy with it. Thank you. :) Occasionally I post suggestions to in-game chat and thus far have received positive responses for DCUO being adapted to the new Sony PS4 VR Headset and new retractable armor like in the upcoming 2017 trailer release of Injustice 2.:cool: So I just wanted to post these suggestions. Thank you all very much! Fight the good fight!;)
    Main Avatar: Future Kal 167 CR 204 SP Power Ice DPS/TANK. USPC Meta Hero.League: USPC :Justice League 3001, Leader.
    USPS: Superboyistic 152 CR 146 SP Ice DPS/TANK.
    Alts Include: Guardian El, Guardian Kal, Future Blurr, Kid Superboyistic, Lantern Kal, Kal Starchild, Future Superboyistic,, Clarky Kent, and Super Spaceboy, Quantum Kal, and Superboyistic.