Lately it seems players are cueing in as Support but not doing their roles

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dominic Blue, May 10, 2022.

  1. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Yeah, I'm sure I frustrated plenty of people when I was knew and knew nothing about the roles except that they existed lmao. I'm still not exactly a pro, but I try. And yeah, just forcing people to do the role is just gonna be a bigger mess. If they're willing to learn, it's more effective to at least work with them a bit and give them some room to practice and get a feel for it, even if it's just giving them a moment to look up loadouts or tips. Not that ya gotta be a teacher or mentor for them or anything, just that working with them a bit when possible is gonna be more effective for both parties than just forcing them into the roles.... IF they're willing to learn. But of course sometimes they aren't, in which case you're probably best off either kicking them, working with what you got and fighting through the instance anyway just to get it done, or just dipping if necessary. A support role that refuses to actually try or learn or genuinely do their role can be even worse than just not having that role at all.
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    +1 for some sort of tutorial, I've proposed the same myself as a requirement of being able to even queue as role (can't run the tutorial?...can't queue as that role either).

    Not down with being role locked though. Especially for alerts. There are tons of alerts where a tank OR heal is needed(troll even), but not both, or certain % of the run might need either, but not the full run. Also, the 'role optional' setting allows for running in content with less than all roles, how would it even decide who dictates that as 2 might have the box checked with the other 2 not.

    There needs to be some personal accountability, sure....but I don't think we want ALL runs 'locked in' like this either.
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  3. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I queued as a troll last night in an alert, about 1/3 the way in, I was asked to switch to DPS because "we're not having any power issues". So I switch, first boss, healer runs out of power, and we wipe.

    I pointed at the screen and laughed maniacally for an unsettling amount of time.
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    The fact you likely did that off mic....purely for your own benefit and gratification is either less impressive.....or a LOT MORE impressive.

    I have not made up my mind yet....
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  5. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I don't usually mic up when I'm running with strangers, my stream of consciousness rambling can be disconcerting for the uninitiated.
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  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'll generally only do it if someone is working on a feat, or if it were something that is mechanic heavy and I don't know the mechanics that well (like in a new elite run or something)...however if the group is f'ing up enough, I will go in to do some 'splainin as needed, especially on PS4 as it's harder to type. On PC I'll more readily type 'suggestions' a lot more than on PS4....just cause I'm lazy.

    I just might switch over to group/inst chat to drop a well placed 'ha-ha' if I were in your situation though. It's the Nelson in me.
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  7. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I also enjoy listening to music when I play, and I can't do that without becoming a perpetrator of my biggest pet peeve, people who play music over their mics.
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  8. Art New Player

    Main reason why I’ve swapped to healer instead of DPS, slowly increasing my CR doing T4 On-Duty or Omnibus. For some reason every time I get queued for Doomsday, when he leaps in the air and all his X’s marks all round me with no chance of escape, I die and no one picks me up like bruh. Everyone usually dies and we restart and I’m well aware when he does his leap thingy again but damn, idk if everyone so keen on getting highest dmg but at least pick up yo healer. I’m pretty sure the higher content this doesn’t happen often but it’s always Doomsday for me lol.