Kudos Thread (Shoutout to Deathmark)

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by CCBatson, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. CCBatson Dedicated Player

    I just wanted to post a shoutout and thanks to Deathmark who teamed up with me yesterday for a really awesome couple of hours of Legends PVP. I was originally in a bummed mood, and part of what cheered me up in time for the evening was your very cool and chill manner of playing for fun. I wanted to say thanks, and to let everyone know Deathmark is an awesome Legends partner.

    Since we sometimes don't give enough time and credit to the people we interact with in-game, I thought this might make a good place for people to post their positive feelings and thoughts on their partners and team members in PVP, particularly on the spontaneous and PUG level. Good karma can make someone's day, so pay it forward! Post your good interactions and kudos below!
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  2. PPVKIGNX New Player

    Good idea! I'd like to give a shoutout to Hus. He's a guy I can't thank often enough. He's smart, funny and I think he's into me. Dont tell him I said that, it will embarass him. Still.. The first day I met Hus was the first day of the rest of my life. It was on the beach, during sunset, and I was running around picking jellyfish and seaweed. Just as I bent over to pick up this big blob of goo that had washed up on the beach, I felt Hus' hand on mine and it was magic. He said to me in greek: Durr durka durr burrka. Or something like that. We have been friends ever since. He's really good on Steel, but Smokebreak wouldn't let Hus use Steel in their PvP tournament even though Steel is pretty underpowered, and that's why he didn't win the whole thing.

    Smokebreak's legends tournament video
  3. Deathmark New Player

    !!!!!!! Wow. I don't know what to say to this except thank you. It was fun. We made someone rage quit the second time they faced us which always means you're doing something right. If i helped somehow to improve your day, all the better.

    It's kinda too bad you got to me towards the end of my legends grind. ill be putting legends aside for a while by tomorrow, ill be done with all 250 wins feats and ill probably want to work on other time consuming feats. Still, there's arena and pve!
  4. CCBatson Dedicated Player

    Well, I'm about 25 marks shy of finishing my T3. Once that is done, you can bet your boots I'll be queuing up to join you in some arenas! Gotta start earning my T4 then! ;)