Fixed Kite from Summer Seasonal Feat not Showing up or Popping

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by dresserball, Jul 31, 2020.

  1. dresserball Dedicated Player

    I used a kite today and the feat didn't pop. I don't know what it is called either since it is not showing up in my feat list.
  2. dresserball Dedicated Player

    Can someone just grant me the feat already? I have prove that zi have the kite and have flown it.
  3. dresserball Dedicated Player

    This feat is still broken.
  4. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I was missing all of this years summer seasonal event feats and none of them are showing up. It even tells me in the Overview that i have 184/184 seasonal feats, wich cant be true.
  5. Red Five Developer

    Thanks for the report guys! Looks like these got turned off by accident, but they should be on now.
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  6. dresserball Dedicated Player

    Thank you. For clarity support said that the kite feat can only be done during the Tides of War event even though the feat doesn't say that. Does support even interact with Demensional Ink?