Keep The Scoreboard.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kimone, Jan 29, 2016.

  1. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    No, not all competitive spirit IS harmful, but in my opinion the larger aspect of the negative behavior (while kicking the lowest dps to solve problems that should otherwise be resolved sucks) is people NOT performing those pick-ups and NOT completing raid mechanics, such as an NGN raid I remember from a while ago, with all crs WELL above the level of that raid, where no one would pick up the keys (or whatever they are) during the first boss fight. I (the healer) and the tank kept repeating that someone needs to do them, yet after 4 or 5 failed attempts with not one dps even trying to complete the objective. All of them should have known better. We TOLD them what to do. smh
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  2. Biggdaddycane Dedicated Player

    Get rid of it.
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  3. Backseid Devoted Player

    That's not at all what you said.

    It's also NOT raw data. There's too many variables due to players and each instance.

    People keep BSing that it's used to check their damage. The parser does a much, much better job of that.

    No. The people that want it to remain are the ones that just play for the competition. The ones that have helped turn this game into a Replay Badge raid fest. They can all go back to CoD, Halo, or whatever for all I care.
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  4. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    And do you think not having the scoreboard would really change that? Somewhere on that board is someone whose damage out is so dismal that it literally would not change the outcome for them to run mechanics. Somewhere on that board is a character whose output is so through the roof that literally, the same circumstances persist - you're going to be competing with players at your level and yourself, and that's effectively it.

    And between these two players, there's going to be a personal choice - do you play ball or do you do 'your job' and nothing else? If you see damage as the most important thing then awareness of the actual amount is moot : you're either willing to cooperate or you're not. I don't think a number alone is going to make that determination.

    Will it get used as a rationalization for 'why you're not helping us do stuff'? Oh, you bet, no one likes personal responsibility, but removing the excuse won't remove the behavior.

    Knowledge of mechanics and deliberate disregarding of them isn't going to go away because there's no number to chase any more - if you don't think its your job, then you don't think its your job. Granted - pickups, mechanics, yeah, no matter who you are it's your job - unless you're the damned Tank, you stay the course bro.
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  5. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    I think it would change some of it. It can't fix stupid, but it could stop people who are deliberately trying not to stop damaging so they can be #1. And for the record, in difficult instances, as a healer, I am frequently told not to pick up, just keep healing. But I take no offense :)
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  6. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player

    Yh, just needs a revamp, alot more info should be added to it.

    I'l never understand the 'remove the scoreboard' crowd. It wont make a blind bit of difference. Other MMOs that don't have scoreboards still have the same problems. ESO for example, that has no scoreboard, do you think that stopped people crying about sorcs? HELL NO, it was ridiculously noticeable, scoreboard or not, that they were massively overpowered both in PVE and in PVP and the QQ was real.

    The grass isn't going to be greener if it ever did get removed, I guarantee it.
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  7. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Ehhh, if you're the only healer?

    I carry a shield and a personal defense field on my character in both roles - you keep everyone else alive and I'll worry about reviving the misfortunate bastard who got too close to the bomb. If you think you can run pickups without compromising the group, well, we'll see who gets to the dude first. If there are multiple people willing to do it then it'll get done.
  8. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Have I told you lately that I agree with almost everything you post, and that you express yourself very eloquently? Keep up the good job, brother.
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  9. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    The parser can tell you what you're doing in a fight against a sparring target, yes.

    Well, I play for competition, but I still run mechanics and pickups, I still listen, ask questions, give and take orders, cooperate with other players, and to be frank was a rather outspoken opponent of the Replay Badges and Glitches SNAFU that arrived with AF2 - so much so that I quit playing for nine months afterwards because I didn't agree with the mentality driving the Power Respec sales and the cheating to get through top end content.

    I'd rather not automatically be in the same pile as all of the other people because I enjoy knowing where people place and what they're doing, because - to be frank - that's awfully presumptuous. It's saying 'well since you care about the scoreboard you're automatically a selfish player!'.
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  10. Backseid Devoted Player

    I was generalizing. I don't actually get the impression you are one of those, so I apologize if I came off that way.
  11. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    Hi it's me Newel again, has anyone seen where Metallo's meat head is?
  12. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    It needs to go. It causes DPS to be stupid and run in front of the tank.

    Or better yet, DPS fight on top of the tank die causes troll to go down a pick up causing the group to wipe. Yeah scoreboard is working, only if plan to chase numbers that do not matte.
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  13. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    Have you found Metallo's meat head?
  14. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    It isn't doing "real good". It's nothing more than a tool for players who can't understand why their instance is failing to bully other players with undeniable statistic, most of the time which have nothing to do with why the group is struggling.

    The only tool needed to balance powers is the tool that they use anyway: The parser. The parser actually gives a more realistic idea of how well balanced a power is than the scoreboard, because the scoreboard doesn't take into consideration all the factors surrounding damage out, which ultimately affect the numbers which appear on there.

    For example, if I double EMP on a group of adds, chances are I'm going to clear the group before my friends have the opportunity to build up enough strength to take them down. The scoreboard will show 2 things, neither of which are true: 1) Gadgets is better than _____ because the damage out is higher 2) My partner DPS is garbage because my damage out is higher.

    There are too many factors which skew scoreboard numbers. They don't give an accurate representation of what's going on in content. The scoreboard isn't needed to balance powers and in the wrong hands (which is the majority of the population), it's feeding inaccurate data which leads to calls for nerfs/buffs that aren't necessary. All it enables is bad players who know how to do an AM efficiently, to hide behind numbers when the group starts failing.
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  15. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Ask John Corbin.
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  16. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    The damage is already done. Simply removing the scoreboard may eliminate certain scenarios but it will not improve the mentality of bad players, and calls to remove the scoreboard is premature when you consider that removing it may even exacerbate the situation and result in more people being kicked out of instances for nonsensical reasons.

    Asking for too much changes is unrealistic, and the end result is that the situation never gets fixed, or at least alleviated.

    2 suggestions:
    i) Separate damage on adds and damage on sub-bosses and bosses. This should not be a big fix. For any sub-boss or boss encounter, where there is a cutscene, the damage done after each cutscene can then be recorded separately. The damage done separately on adds and sub-bosses / bosses can be shown side by side on the final scoreboard.

    ii) Highlighting deaths. This should be shown at the first page of the scoreboard and people with an excessive amount of deaths should have their names highlighted in red.
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  17. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    I agree that it needs to go, but I disagree that it causes people to run in front of the tank. I think people are just impatient.
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  18. krytine Loyal Player

    The scoreboard should have a modification done to it. Still have the individual damage power healing but add pick ups as well as make it a true scoreboard by giving a points value for 3verything. Not just a dps board.
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  19. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    Technically, it already has the power output ratio for healing and the power out to power given efficiency ratio. The power in stat on the scoreboard right now represents the power you received from various sources in an instance.
  20. Derio 15000 Post Club

    The scoreboard is extremely flawed and in a sense it is the sole reason we have done 5 years of power balancing. Just think without the scoreboard how much content we would have had.
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