Justice League Cast

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Swaggernaut, Aug 15, 2016.

  1. Swaggernaut Active Player

    Posting the second article of the day based off the first one. Who do you guys think would be perfect for each superhero? For example

    Aquaman: Charlie Hunnam
    Lobo: Jason Momoa (would be way better at that than Aquaman)

    I don't know yet who I'd cast as everyone else but who do you think?
  2. DarkLadyAthena Dedicated Player

    Superman and Batman: They are fine.
    Wonder Woman: A young Lucy Lawless if possible. If not, Katrina Law (Nyssa on Arrow.)
    The Flash: No one. The tv-version is more than enough.
    Cyborg: Seems fine to me.
    Aquaman: Owen Wilson. (What? Aquaman isn't supposed to be a body builder. He's supposed to be a rather normal, goofy person.)
    Lex Luthor: Bryan Cranston.
  3. Swaggernaut Active Player

    That Lex Luthor pick is legit. I can dig it. Grant Gustin from the Flash series would be fine if he'd do it. I kind of wish they did. And I agree with the use of 90's Aquaman who is supposed to be more of a badass viking type hero. Granted if they had a comical Aquaman movie I'd have to go Owen Wilson >.<
  4. DarkLadyAthena Dedicated Player

    My first pick (now, at least) for The Flash is of course Grant Gustin. The only problem is he's on the tv-series, and I want the movie and tv-series to be seperate. Stephen Amell as Batman, though... now that I could see. ;)