Justice Girls gets a league hall!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mermaid, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. GaeasRevenge New Player

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  2. Feenicks New Player

    It's more impressive to see it in person! Thank you!
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  3. Derio 15000 Post Club

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  4. Deranya Dedicated Player

    wish I could get a sneak peak of one till we get ours. But we have to wait until reset :) wonder what league will manage on eupc villains first
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  5. TheThud New Player

    Congrats Justice Girls
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  6. MercPony Devoted Player

    Congrats! Can't wait till my league can get ours :) Its slow but we are making better progress than I thought!
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  7. KCTAMU92PC122010 New Player

    Congrats JG. Just caught the tour on the SOE Live feed. Looks great. You could use a "Bosley" in your league. Just saying.
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  8. Cacca Well-Known Player

    All the members of Loot are from City of Heroes too. Small world. (Champion Server)
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  9. Mermaid Dedicated Player

    Thank you and congratz to you guys as well! We have plenty of members from CoH including our leaders! Justice Server
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  10. KrimsonScourge New Player

    Congrats to the Justice Girls PC! I must say Mermaid is doing a great job on the decorating. (I had to take a tour as soon as I heard of course :D) I can't wait till we get one on the PS side as well. Congrats again girls!
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  11. Pandora Demon New Player

    Is there a league hall that you buy with 100K, then you can upgrade it to a bigger one? there's rumors about this, just want to know if it's true or not. Congrats, my league( not leader, just member) on USPS is getting really close to getting our league hall...we're probably 10-15K prestige from getting it( maybe less).
  12. DamsonX New Player

    looks great. I wish we could put decor. on the statuary bases for now heh

    and i was Justice server. were you guys in CoH at its inception?
  13. Lord Raiden Dedicated Player

    Congrats, the halls look awesome.
  14. GregDawe New Player

    I see this lot post stuff every now and then.

    It is a shame you aren't on EUPC, my Female alt would fit in perfectly there.
  15. Tracmar Well-Known Player

    Congrats !!

    Can I drop by for a visit ? I promise will wear some clothes :rolleyes:
  16. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Opening Day of the Paragon with Mepps as a special guest (towards the end).
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  17. Weapon meX New Player

    Awesome Sauce!!

    Congrats Mermy and Dametria, and the rest of the Justice Girls. The tour of your League Hall was the best Part of FNL and of the whole SOE Block Party!

    (minus power girl's cameo and Mepps revealing his secret identity as Batman while under the influence of drinking "apple juice")
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  18. Gomezness New Player

    Well I moved my med-bay to the r&d area so as not to think that I torture our prisoners. Btw the med-bay is finished, thanks to all the ladies that donated the items for it.
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  19. Zuse Loyal Player

    nice job Justice Girls...now enjoy your new hall :D
  20. Xzotix Committed Player

    Nice work!!!