Just wanted to put this out there for the devs ( worry not its a compliment lol)

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Kon Jackson, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. Kon Jackson New Player

    You guys did a fantastic job on the Fire and Ice update....people may be a little grumpy about not getting exactly what they had in mind but they will still play the game and enjoy it so its all good...im an ice man myself and i am really enjoying the new ice form....it is convenient because it doesnt interrupt me during battle...as for the ice elemental, it can properly be used now with the reduce in Supercharge cost and the lunge is a heaven sent gift....I dont know if its just me or if you guys did this on purpose lol but when im in ice form and i walk through a fire users inferno and my head catches fire , ive noticed that the spikes on my head disappear as if theyve been burnt off lol, very cool haha....but all in all just wanted to say Good Job :D
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  2. Sionn Committed Player

    You're ice, of course you like it.

    Fire got pretty lights, but nothing else.
  3. TrueMarvel New Player

    You must not be a fire user
  4. Sionn Committed Player

    Please, it's not all that great unless you're SS, and clipping WD. Nothing has changed for that combo. No, I never even used fireburst if that's what you're thinking.
  5. Kon Jackson New Player

    oh i have a fire tank as well :D....i just always preferred ice ...and i like fire as well...whats your major beef with it though after the update?
  6. TrueMarvel New Player

    I love the mechanics behind the revamp. I just hate the mentality behind it.
  7. Kon Jackson New Player

    urmm if you were talking to me that time lol.
  8. Kon Jackson New Player

    ohhh i see well i have yet to reallllllly play my fire tank..enjoying ice to much...but it looks like fun
  9. Kon Jackson New Player

    i still think the devs did a good job tho..they tried to please everyone and they delivered....even thought alot of people will disagree
  10. Octantis New Player

    In the history of this game people have always complained about everything the Developers release. The fact is you can't please everyone. With DLCs, some people get content they want, some don't get enough, while others feel neglected entirely.

    And with the Power Updates, well that's like making a remake of a classic movie: fans of the original are going to hate the update regardless because it's a guaranteed change; all they can do is hope most of the original version remains intact and the new cast doesn't make a mockery of it. Of those fan, some will love it, some will just hate it anyway. But regardless, anyone who has never seen the original will love it no matter what, especially since the special effects aren't dated and look very polished. Look at the critical reviews of the Watchmen, for example, which is a movie I prefer over the comic, having been a huge fan of the comic prior.

    Pardon the allegory ,,, I always use them; it's kind of my thing :p

    But yes, I always give kudos to the design team in DCUO. They do wonders with the resources they have, the restrictions they have to work with, and the inevitable flame they always seem to get upon doing anything. I will say icicles on the Ice armor was an interesting choice ... I would have gone with ice plating myself.
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  11. Drift Hazard Dedicated Player

    The fire thing on your head when you step inside Inferno is the new Immolation visual effect.
  12. Exostorm Well-Known Player

    I wasn't sure I would be at first, but I'm pretty pleased with the update to ice so far. Although, I do kind of wish that they would change Inescapable Storm's animation back to it's original, since it's current one doesn't really make sense to me. And also, did they move Resonating Gale down the Storms tree?