Just Some Suggestions on how to pass T5 Raids

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Epic Wins, May 12, 2013.

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  1. BrownMamba New Player

    I stopped reading after this you are clueless.

    Just wondering did your group actually beat the raid because if they did it would have gone smoother if you weren't there.
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  2. NexGen New Player

    Why thank you. I told some of them about this yesterday and the laughter nearly killed one of my guys.

    P.S. this thread is still so high on the failometer.
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  3. BatDubb New Player

  4. NexGen New Player

    You, morty, slek, fb, me, idc who. I'll put 10 mil down on you guys or myself lol.
  5. BrownMamba New Player

    I see why he posted that as his number one strategy now the core strength mod gives tanks increased stats after leaving the anomalies. Can someone who is a tank double check this for me I saw it in the Arkham section earlier this morning but can't find it now.
  6. Epic Wins New Player

    Lets just pug it, Hopefully you double my damage like you say you can, send me tell when you're online I'm not saying ill beat you but i'll be maybe 60-100k below you, not such a big deal that it would cause a raid to fail.We will get a random full T4 dps as 3rd dps.
  7. NexGen New Player

    Nope. Not pugging anything. You'll run with my guys, have unlimited power and be able to do all the damage your little heart can put out. You'll also be facing real dps, not random pug fails. Do you have 10 mil or is it one sided wager?
  8. Epic Wins New Player

    no ty
  9. NexGen New Player

    Why not? Unlimited power, guaranteed heals, perfect tanks...what is not ideal about this?
  10. BatDubb New Player

    It is not ideal to him if he loses.
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  11. Deviant New Player

    T4 DPS seems to be thrown around too freely around here. We talkin a no skill PUG DPS or a true DPS that's a master of their own craft? Worlds of difference, imho.
  12. Epic Wins New Player

    True dps? get real. DPSING is the easiest thing you can do in this game. I'll take a good troll, healer, or tank over a "TRUE" dps anyday.
  13. Deviant New Player

    Not sure what you have against DPS, as I'm a healer, I've an unbiased opinion, you're comparing apples to oranges. No one said it's hard to do, just that you need to know what you're doing. To bring this discussion back to context, would you agree there's a difference between a bad healer and as you say 'good' healer? Wether you admit it or not same circumstances holds true with respect to the DPS stance.

    Why you bringing other roles into this anyways, you clearly said you can DPS as hybrid tank type with the best of them. You saying you can heal and give power too?
  14. Toofunn New Player

    Dont feed this guy. He has given his "advice" turned down a challenge and crafted his name the uber pug hall of fame. Nothing to see here folks. Just someone giving advice bad or not (yes it was horrible) the gesture was nice.
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  15. Statman New Player

    Lol.. I'm subtly (well... no longer so subtle) waiting for the OP to address his claim of needing dom to gain aggro... he seems to have ignored everyone who's pointed that out to him that he's wrong on that part. :p
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  16. Epic Wins New Player

    I didn't turn down a challenge, i;'m not running it with his "guys" and league. i will happily prove him wrong in any random pug group.
    I said you need dom to PULL (<--- KEY word) agro from a TANK <--- ANother keyword. If you somehow gain agro by doing a ridiculous amount of damage (possibly due to a crit), the tank can easily Pull the adds back to him. SO for you to PULL the adds away from the tank you need a PULL move and DOM high enough to PULL the adds.Otherwise you might just get their attention for a BRIEF 2-3 seconds before the tank PULLS the adds to him.
  17. Statman New Player

    So what you're trying to say is you need dom to crowd control, as your pull move is crowd control?

    Crowd control is different from aggro.
  18. BatDubb New Player

    If you are correct, it doesn't matter WHO you run with. Run with our league, and take your lumps. If not, be forever known as the guy who ducked a straight up challenge.
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  19. Epic Wins New Player

    Yeah and you be forever known as the DPS that can't manage in a pug group. If you're not getting power it means i'm not getting power, if you're not getting heals it means i'm not getting heals. SO what's the problem? if you are as good as you pretend to be, you should still out damage me and be able to adapt to bad heals/power, I don't need a cushy ride to get things done in an E Z raid like gates, apparently you do.
  20. CouRAGE New Player

    I remember seeing Epic Wins shouting for roles for Inner (raid) CR 88+... I would take any advice he gives with a grain of salt
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