Just realised a problem in the European server

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by FlyingSheep, Jun 17, 2016.

  1. FlyingSheep Well-Known Player

    While this may seem like its not connected to DC Universe, read on and you will see what I mean. I want to state that this is not to change opinions of political views in the recent vote to remain or leave the Europe as part of the UK. My questions is:

    If UK Leaves the EU, will people in the UK (on PS4) still be able to play on the European servers? Or will the UK be getting their own server?

    I will be very upset if the UK would not be allowed to play in the European server, nobody would be online and as being in the UK myself, I would feel very upset not being able to meet people all over Europe and make new friends from different countries.
  2. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    You know the EU in "EU Server" stands for Europe and the UK would still be a part of Europe, right?
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  3. FlyingSheep Well-Known Player

    Yes. But if the UK leaves Europe then it will no longer be part of Europe.... hence the question I have asked...
  4. Proxystar #Perception



    If the UK leaves the European Union, it does not mean it will "physically be removed from Europe".

    Sorry but LOL, I'm going to the kitchen to get some harder alcohol.. oh my.
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  5. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    • Like x 20
  6. Proxystar #Perception

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  7. Apollodarkblade21 Well-Known Player

    Seeing no one outside the uk will care and will still say it's part of that continent of Europe it's safe to assume it'll still be on the EU server.
  8. Slade Wilson Devoted Player


    Now if, and I mean if, that referendum is really about leaving the continent, I might tell the Brits upfront: there may be enough physical room between Australia and NZ for your little island and that fracture you're gonna break from Ireland, but: You're not welcome here :D But that specific region is by standard still linked to the EU servers, which might help the OP....
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  9. FlyingSheep Well-Known Player

    Lol is there really any need to take the piss? Just wondered a question ffs.
  10. Here2Help Devoted Player

    UK will leave the Union, not Europe itself. There's no need to worry.
  11. FlyingSheep Well-Known Player

    Ok thanks; forgot the difference xD
  12. Ekart Committed Player

    Only an idiot would vote for an out. Only united we stand a chance in the future.

    For the question the OP aksed. Are you trolling us, because I'm not used to get this kind of questions from Europeans. Some US people sure, but not Europeans.
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  13. Multiverse Creator League

    Australia are NOT part of Europe either. Still they can play on the EU server.

    The Europe server does NOT mean that you have to be literally part of Europe to play on it.

    It is only the location of where the servers are. :confused::confused:
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  14. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    I don't live in Europe, and I can play on the EU server. It's named the EU server because that's where it's located, not because it's sponsored by a government.
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  15. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Now who is actually trying to steer things up here ;) ? It's a global phenomenom in case you're really interested:





    And you can find similar works in Spanish, German, Russian, French and probably a couple of languages I don't speak either.
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  16. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

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  17. FlyingSheep Well-Known Player

    Okay thanks guys all your responses have answered up my question.
  18. Draconiano Committed Player

    Bad people, stop laughing he just made a question.

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  19. dogmaticus83 Active Player

    I just wanted to add, that it is very possible that if UK leaves EU - there can be severe server consequences! If I were you I would vote against Brexit - the sure only way to keep UK population on EU servers!
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  20. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Here let me paint you a picture. Puerto Rico is not part of the United States. People in Puerto Rico play on the US server. Thailand is not a part of North America at all. I know some people in Thailand who play on the US Server... Do you see where I'm going with this?
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