Just a Suggestion.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jax Prime, Nov 15, 2013.

  1. Jax Prime New Player

    Was watching some PS4 DCUO videos on youtube and the game looks absolutely beautiful, cant wait to see what my toon will look like in 1080p :)

    Anyway, I noticed the new DCUO logo when people launched the game and I was hoping that a lot has changed even in Load screens. To my surprise the screens are still the same.

    So I was wondering, would you guys consider adding new Images replacing the current ones and applying the New logo on them? Its kinda tacky seeing the new logo and then reverting to the old one.

    This does not take any form of priority but would like to hear if you guys are considering it at all. Like you could add the forum Background image as one of the Screens.

    What do the rest of you think? Am I off my rocket?
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  2. Statman New Player

    Not off your rocket at all. New loading screens is something that players have asked for since the games launch, and instead I think 1 or 2 have actually been taken away (maybe I just haven't seen them in a while).

    It is the most perfect opportunity to do so now that a new logo has been released. I can't imagine adding new screenshots would be a huge problem, just add them to the string they're called from, etc. Mind you, I'm not a gaming programmer, I just know some basic website coding, lol.

    Their facebook page shows that they have an amazing selection of screenshots much larger than we've seen in game. I'm not sure why it was so refined to only a handful.
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  3. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    I have often wondered this myself. I have also heard before that there were originally more loading screens that they stopped using.
  4. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I'm sure they will change them all... gotta keep the branding consistent.
  5. Jax Prime New Player

    Yeh I thought that too, maybe they just rare (superstition on: When you get the rare screens you get good loot gg). But it would be nice if the new logo was applied to better Load screens.

    Theyve managed to change the launch intro so maybe if they think that it would take a lot of memory etc to add them on the PS3 they could simply rescale them or just leave them on the PS4 and PC.

    Just a thought.
  6. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    I remember searching for DCUO Wallpapers and there were tons they didn't use as loading screens. The ones we have now became soooooooo boring to look at. The only ones I still like are Circe and Wonder Woman. I apologize if my reply is huge.

    These should have been used a long time ago:

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  7. Jax Prime New Player

    Oh. My. Dear. Gawd.

    Those are absolutely beautiful! Only thing I would change is putting the New Logo on them.

    P.S. Is your name reference to Bailey from Greys Anatomy?
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  8. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    Lol! No, it's not. I get that quite a lot. "Alice Bailey" is what started the Bailey trend. She was a theosophist who practiced some Sorcery. I was too lazy to think of other names to be honest :p