Just a questions for trollers.....

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Senshirou, Apr 21, 2013.

  1. Senshirou Committed Player

    Lately when I pug a raid it seems that if the second troller isn't the one doing p0t they decide not to use their power dump to give back power. What gives?
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  2. SpagTheTapdancer Well-Known Player

    you may be running into inexperienced or knowledgeable people?
    maybe they're just lazy?
  3. Faust74 Loyal Player

    Let me ask you something. What makes you think they aren't giving back power?
  4. IzzyLizzard Well-Known Player

    something happened where the controllers job got split up, your either a battery toll, P.I. troll, tactical troll, debuff troll, heck i saw some dude call himself a shield troll. the truth of the matter is, a controller is ALL OF THE ABOVE. ill lay debuffs while putting some P.I's out there ill CC adds the tank dont see and the whole time ill be pushing out as much power as i can. the only people who split the controller class to separate jobs are the ones who cant do it all. thats why i love being a controller, the versatility of it.
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  5. Senshirou Committed Player

    If at the end of the raid I gave out 500k + and you gave back 10k you probably aren't or ain't even bothering to do it constant. I wouldn't just ask the question if it wasn't true.
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  6. Senshirou Committed Player

    I do the same but its taxing at times. All I know the trolls I've run with in the past 3 raids constantly had no power and no debuffs were on anything, until I put a defense debuff on a boss.
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  7. Senshirou Committed Player

    Probably lazy. :confused:
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  8. SpagTheTapdancer Well-Known Player

    when I trolled(didn't get far, was about to start t4 content), I was usually the power dump. I'd always debuff things in between dumping.
  9. Black House New Player

    I left my PUG in El Segundo
    PUG's do NOT have to do their roles the way that you want them to, they owe you no allegiance at all, the fact that you finished the raid is all that matters, you want people that play your way? join a league, raid with friends, otherwise, PUG up suck it up and quit bellaching.
    PUGS jump up to get beatdown

  10. Senshirou Committed Player

    To actually give back power is me wanting them to play my way? Really? I thought it was just common sense.
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  11. Black House New Player

    PUGHOLES on my lawn
    Nope it's not, it is a particular play style, is it the most common? probably, is it the only way, of course not, so once again if you have a particular way that you want to play either join a league that plays that way, only play with friends, or take your 1300 vit, put your big boy pants on and PUG it like a man.
    It's a hard PUG life
  12. Breedin Bull New Player

    Sounds like you ran into the infamous DPS with amazonian troller gear who thinks he can troll.
  13. Sir Volt New Player

    you sir may not understand how pot works and how much p.o.t. it gives or maybe you are part of the prob and feel trolls are batteries and not there to cc or debuff
  14. Liightmare New Player

    they are batteries. leave the crowd control to the tank. you can get through a raid no prob without ever throwing out a debuff, but try beating a raid with now power
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  15. Breedin Bull New Player

    Thank you. People are always trying to fix what isn't broken. Raids run smooth with DPS getting to splurge on power and controllers feeding them just that.
  16. Faust74 Loyal Player

    I asked, because I have seen main Main Controllers accuse the 2nd Controller of not doing their part, which in fact they are actually doing their Fair share. If the main controller that is solely dishing out P0T, then the main is going to out score the Secondary by at least 150k the minimum, but it usually more.

    Just wanted to see if this was the case here too.
  17. Sir Volt New Player

    gl with future raids without skills
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  18. IzzyLizzard Well-Known Player

    You sir may not know that there is no such thing a battery troll, do it all because you can. And yes the off p o t controller should have a lower power out, but should stil be at half of the p o t trolls power out.
  19. Old Gravyleg New Player

    There has been an influx of casuals who care more about them "enjoying" the game, than playing their role properly. I'm fine with having fun until your enjoyment comes at the expense of the group.

    Like this brainless poster above me, "maybe you're part of the prob and feel trolls are betteries".

    You don't see me running around on a nature healer using roar to stun things, or hopping into a pile of adds to use savage growth and knock them down. In most cases your cc is little more than a nuisance, and your debuffs go unnoticed in any instance except prime.

    In summary, the original poster ran into a trash player who likely takes advice from the bad trollers who infest this forum.
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  20. Liightmare New Player

    its worked for my league and our style of playing without ever having any probs so id say its working.