I've officially heard it all after playing last night.....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by FESTER665, May 23, 2013.

  1. PerfectLegend Dedicated Player

    On how we need to nerf Earth tanking since it has the fastest aggro generating ability? ;)

    Pew, pew, jackhammer!
  2. blklightning New Player

    It used to be that Ice had to build taunt to reach the top, and that Fire was a snap taunt. It has since been changed and ALL tanking powersets are snap taunt. The casting of a power immediately places the tank at the top of the aggro table.
  3. Cadens Dedicated Player

    Ever hold a rock under your arm bro? Talk about angry!
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  4. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    What about those hot rocks they put on people at the spa? Maybe that would reduce the aggro so the NPC's wouldn't attack at all ??? LOL
  5. Sparkman New Player

    So is electricity the best tank power because I would hate it if someone shocked me or if lightning struck me? Or how about nature I get pretty mad when I grab a flower and get poked by thorns.
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  6. Wizz Tron New Player

    Stupidity is disease
  7. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Fire and Ice have always aggro'd the same. These kinds of rumors came around because of the random attacks that enemies do and with the lack of Fire Tanks (in general) at the time. People thought just because the boss jumped that meant the Tank did not have aggro, which of course is not the case.

    The problem with rumors is that if they are strong people consider them fact. (Just like the next-gen rumors for consoles. :p)
  8. Captain Spire New Player

    Seeing how fast the Ice forms, I'd think a better comparison would be a flame under your arm vs liquid nitrogen.

    I mean, if you want to be -technical-.
  9. Itazuki New Player

    Like others have said, this is how it USED to be. Not really how he mentioned it on the pain effecting aggro... but Fire did snap taunt and Ice did build up aggro.

    This was never in descriptions or in patch notes on change. You wouldn't notice it even if you were Ice unless you were constantly playing with a Fire Tank and double Tanking the content back then.

    There will also be people saying this isn't true, just like people who know it was true. The reason is because there was no mention of it by Devs. You all know how people love to come to forums and argue things just to argue so there will be no winning this debate lol. PLENTY of things changed that are not in patch notes.

    On a side note... This guy he is describing obviously just made something up in his "fire burns compared to ice" analysis. Every Tank now since the addition of Earth has snap taunt.
  10. Itazuki New Player

    Burning alive has to be the worst... I'd still rather take the Ice lol
  11. neptunesBeard New Player

    Dude, he was just a really good troll. Not controller, TROLL.
  12. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    The feeling of intense heat and intense cold is quite similar. I don't think I'd like getting blasted with liquid nitrogen any more than I would a flamethrower. At least I know what to do with fire (stop drop and roll!), not sure what to do when getting blasted with cold.
  13. Itazuki New Player

    Wouldn't it just be so cold that you'd only feel it for a second before it completely froze and became numb? I'm no expert on any of that and never tried it but... Just a guess lol
  14. Captain Spire New Player

    I'd try to avoid both all together :)

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  15. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Take a bucket and fill it with ice/water and then put your foot in. Notice the intense burning feeling. I'm sure a more intense cold would numb you quicker, but I'd imagine at the extremes of either of these you'd be very unpleasant. I mean heck the encasments in ice would have you suffocating which I couldn't imagine being pleasant either.
  16. Itazuki New Player

    Psh, I can break right out of that.

    Lol :p
  17. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    To be fair, I'd probably be aggravated by someone trying to ad me on fire rather than having a snowball thrown at me.
  18. blklightning New Player

    Sensory overload causes pain. You can use an ice cube to create a sensation of cold. Draw it out and it becomes numb. After that, it's a burning sensation.