Issues with "Beat Down Bane"

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by LiquidatedNatatorium, Dec 19, 2013.

  1. LiquidatedNatatorium New Player

    Level 9 Gadget/Dual Wield, prefer to solo if possible, would rather not out level it just for the sake of beating it.

    I've destroyed the bigger barrels before engaging him, but I don't know if this actually does anything.

    Bane regenerates health before going and smashing a pillar.

    Any help would be appreciated as to what I can do to solo Bane.
  2. Mirai Well-Known Player

    My experience: It's probably best to just rush him and beat on him at melee range. You can be killed if you give him time to tear down all of the pillars. Don't waste time. Use a power now and then to boost your damage.