Is the XB1 the end of PS3?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Blood Zinorge, May 2, 2016.

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  1. Blood Zinorge Active Player

    Looking at how the XB1 is going (still way too early too tell) will it be enough for DCUO dev's to pull the plug early on the PS3?

    -note- I like the PS3 and have had no issues on it at all no lag or freezes at all I don't know why I may have been lucky....but that doesn't mean the other people on it haven't. Also I know the important role the PS3 played int he game. If it wasn't for the PS3 we wouldn't still have this game.

    P.S. I never said I would like it gone...I know better than the game will not graphic wise become better...and the game will still track the way it does now.But I know the PS3 will be on decline with more option to play it especially smoother.
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  2. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    We can only hope so... I so HOPE. But only time will tell.
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  3. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

  4. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    While i would also like to see PS3 go and allow DCUO to use its full potential (nothing against PS3 people), i really don't see that happening any time soon. PS3 people are still a really huge part of the total DCUO playerbase, and while i am PC, i'm pretty sure they'd rather lose all of PC than PS3 :D
  5. RGoliath Well-Known Player

    It should. The PS3 is holding back every other platform
  6. Owl Devoted Player

    PS3 players spend double what PC players spend:
    • Smedley also notes that even the last gen PS3 sees DC Universe Online players monetizing at twice the rate of PC players.
    • The PS4 has been monetizing amazingly well — between 3 and 3.5x the monetization rate of the PC.
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  7. Twelve Gauge Committed Player

    Doubtful, even though at this point it could be considered a mercy killing for the ps3 folks, i'm amazed people still manage to play this game on that machine without wanting to put one in their skull, hell it was unbearable 2 years ago, i cant even imagine how bad it gotten since then.
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  8. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    I did not know you worked in Day Breaks financial division. Nice. Cause otherwise, you are speculating.
  9. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    lol, by that token, Xbox is holding back PS4 and PC ...
  10. Owl Devoted Player
    • Smedley also notes that even the last gen PS3 sees DC Universe Online players monetizing at twicethe rate of PC players.
    • The PS4 has been monetizing amazingly well — between 3 and 3.5x the monetization rate of the PC.
    Plus there are several online sites that track Playstation Trophies. The PS3 DLC trophies increase each day. An account either has to be subscribed or own a DLC to get a PS3 trophy.
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  11. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    " on January 8, 2015"

    That is old data. try again.
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  12. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    He edited with supporting documentation.
  13. tinoman Dedicated Player

    2017 sony will stop supporting ps3 isn't that right?
  14. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    I thought XBOne was the end of the XB360?? ;) ;);)

    But seriously.....
    Not really.

    What will be the end of the PS3 is when the cost to maintain the PS3 will be too high compared to the money they will earn from PS3.

    So essentially......
    If it cost them $1 000 000 to maintain the PS3...... but they make $50 000 000 in revenue...... they will keep the PS3.

    But someday if it cost $1 000 000 to maintain PS3 and they only make $1 100 000 in revenue?? then odds are they will decide that it is not worth it and give up on the PS3.
  15. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    I'm not seeing the correlation.

    I doubt they'd end PS3, seeing as it makes them money.

    Even if you own a restaurant, you'd keep your lemonade stand open if it was pulling in cash.
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  16. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    Is the the official word from Sony or rumor? I'm asking becasue i haven't seen an official statement not saying there isn't one...but PS is known for keeping their older systems for a long time even after a new one is out. But like I said i don't know but I haven't seen if anyone could post a link from Sony themselves I will appreciate it.
  17. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    The correlation is that if there is enough XB1 players it would be easier to fade out the PS3. Money is money right but if the XB1 player base is more stable meaning the out number the PS3 then it will make it easier.
  18. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    Still holds try again??? <in a sarcastic tone>
  19. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    Hahahaha....funny you think that...hint only the letter "p" is in the word that is really holding this game back, and its not in PS3.
  20. Owl Devoted Player

    They are still selling new PS3 consoles.
    According to VGChartz data, over 440K new PS3 consoles have been sold in the last 6 months:
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