is the market place getting a fair shake in terms of recent additions

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by lukelucky, Feb 22, 2018.

  1. lukelucky Devoted Player

    In reference to the new material pack along with aura packs 1 and 2?

    Why are we only getting packs? It was not all that long ago Dcuo changed dlcs into separate parts giving customers more feedom to buy what they want. Lets not be crazy it was certainly a sly way to charge more for the exact same thing BUT it does offer options. The options part was a selling point so why is new stuff being added and no options?

    Each could cost ten dollars or maybe six or seven dollars then have the option of buying 3 three for twenty. If u want one material great scope it up but if u want all three great save a few dollars and buy the pack.

    Aura packs did the same thing
    WORSE aura pack two was a flat out rip off. The display aura was the orange and it is insanely more visable then the black vapor. Complaints were fast and reviewed yet dcuo left a product up they know players were disappointed

    It should be zero suprise buying something that's not visable unless u are in certain near perfect situations is unpopular. Even more clear should be when a player spends money for an item regardless of how much semantics is tossed around the customer should actually get what they spent money for

    I know I am beyond disappointed in aura pack 2, the extemely limited ways to purchase the items off the market place and lets not forget they only seem to put the worst of the worst options on the market place. Gold bronze and silver materials. Um........

    U wanna see how good the market place really fares take the negative speed force material and color it blue and set that bad boy up in the market place. Heck add all sorts of colors of the negative speed force material but mainly one that matches electrics powerset the most.

    I WONT EVER SPEND ONE CENT ON A SYSTEM DESIGNED NOT TO REWARD THE CUSTOMERS. (time capsules and booster bundles). The items Dcuo has offered customers like me to spend money on is very little and even less overly desireable items.