Is it time to get rid of grim?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Gam3r4Lif3, Apr 28, 2024.

  1. Gam3r4Lif3 Dedicated Player

    I have grim just sitting in my inventory. Upon the next 2xp do I feed it into another art?

    I play both dps and heal role. My heal arts purple and page are 160 but I mainly run EoG, Scrap and Page.

    The arts I have currently at 200: Quislet, Trans, Strat, Ebon, EoG, Scrap

    I am currently working on leveling clarion which is at 120.

    My question is if I did feed it, what would be the best option. I have thought about Ebon + Amulet + Trans. Or maybe get demons fang + clarion for a battle heal setup. Or I don’t play nearly as I used to so I’m not as sweaty but I could invest in art swappers like Mercy or Deadking Scepter. A few dark horses that I’ve been interested in are Computo for hybrid role and omegahedron paired with Ebon for excess power consumption and getting the boosts from omegahedron.

    I’m sick of just seeing it sit there LOL, Any tips or help are appreciated!
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  2. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    Yep, grim is kind of a dead artifact in my opinion. It provides a little single target damage, applies power interaction, and you no longer lose a power regeneration amount. So it's got benefits, but it's just not up to snuff anymore.

    Battle roles are becoming more and more common (for some, it's a failed attempt, please people ask for advice if you're unfamiliar). So you're less likely to need PI applied by a pet, because generally you're applying it in your battle roles. Most dps' can easily apply. There's just better options.

    Considering what you have, you could feed it into a current not fully leveled artifact. The demon fang+Clarion combination, along with transformation or page (trans is better), makes a powerful combination. Know though, that you can actually do more damage and still heal great using a might based battle healing loadout. So if you're looking for top DPS/healing battle healer, might holds the crown. For smoothness, shields, personal preference, and still good healing/mitigation while using precision: water takes the lead, then the other healing powers are pretty equal on that setup.

    Good luck!
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  3. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    If you don't need it, feed it. To determine the best option you need to consider your power, SP, and goals. Do you play a lot of elite, or mostly reg? Do you have enough SP to use might effectively while being prec. based, or enough for battle role to be effective? (I'm guessing yes, but I don't know you XD)

    If you enjoy swapping, I have found DKS to be very effective. I definitely would not consider Omegahedron. The buff it offers just isn't good compared to other options like transformation etc. So, while lerneas, omega, ebon is a large buff, it still isn't as good as the synergistic buff of trans/strat. You frankly have the best stuff already, but as you said you can go for swappers to increase what you've already got. It's possible that I am underestimating MERCY, but I think DKS is the better swap option.

    Fang/Clarion is good, but so is trans/strat EoG, and you already have them. (switching EoG for page in difficult content or whatnot)
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  4. SoggyDcuo Active Player

    In my honesty opinion depending on what your intentions are that improve your play style or consuming grim into other arts is an option. Since you play as a dps/heal large majority of healer powerset don’t need grim at a sense, since you’ll have at least 1 or 2 Pi in loadout anyway making grim so what useless. However, that doesn’t mean grim is useless if your intentions are to battle heal with a pet build. For an example demon+clarion for a battle heal is 1 way to play. In doing this way of playing healer you can max your main stat to do more damage. Clarion Arion might scale base off you restoration+precision that determines the damage it will do to enemies. Demon fang has several affect that can empower clarion more and itself more. Demon fang can give you power overtime base off of your % of restoration and empower your weapon damage to do additional damage from restoration and precision. Demon fang also gives you more restoration by 10% and precision by 6% to further increase not only as a healer but in damage, power overtime and max healer stat entirely. Now for grim art what it brings to the table is a pet build for healers. In doing this playstyle you max the healer roles as well just like demon fang+clarion set up I mention before. Let’s say your not able to attack with weapons cause the group are taking to much damage forcing you to prioritize healing. If this happens the clarion+demon fang battle heal won’t be as affective cause your not maxing damage at all. However, with a pet build battle heal you can maximize both healing and damage cause the pets attack on their own. Since pets like quislet, grim, t3 pets and henchmen etc… scale base off of your combat rating they will do maximum damage and are consistent in damage when you are not. Another thing about this set up is that in using the mercy art you can reduce trinket pets cooldown to summon them faster almost everytime they disappear just to summon back on the field again. Another thing is that in using ally’s like zatanna and aqua man increase damage out for every pet that out presently. If your some what of a sweat you can swap to get godwave strength from source shard to buff them even more when you know the group has stable hp and no lethal mechanics are happening. Last but not least grim and quislet can die and respawn again indefinitely in combat cause they are art pets that spawn during combat. Hopefully this is informative to your decision of what you want to do with grim or consume it for other arts that are better for a different play style.
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  5. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    My brotha, you are providing a wealth of info but paragraphs are your friend lol.
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  6. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    If its Rank 200 you have no better options to dump it into right now based on what you already have.

    You could speculate on Starheart Fragment getting a rework which makes it useful and worth using but until then you might aswell just keep it laying around. Or dump it into Lazarus Pit Water for some QoL when attempting no die feats.
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  7. SoggyDcuo Active Player

    I would make this neater but I’m always on the road and have only my phone present.
  8. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I use grim when DPSing elite alerts as the canceling of the passive power regen penalty helps big time. Otherwise, ehh, never really liked it, even when it was meta.
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  9. Gam3r4Lif3 Dedicated Player

    I’ve been on and off with the game for years. So my SP is sadly sitting at 460 rn. That’s the issue with battle roles, you need higher SP. I wouldn’t be opposed to trying might battle heals as well. What setup do you run (augs, gear, arts, sp allocation etc.)?
  10. Gam3r4Lif3 Dedicated Player

    Yeah dead kings scepter was the first one that came to mind. I’ve been on and off for a while. My SP ain’t the best (460 sp) but I’ve been around since origin crisis days and have a feel for mechanics and the game. I’ve been running elite for a while (all of t6 missions with the exception of the new raid due to falling behind by not logging in and now the dlc is pretty much dead). But I plan on hopping back into elite with the new dlc.

    I also found out I have a solar amp at 160 that’s just sitting there as well. I may feed that instead and test out some pet builds
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  11. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    If they changed the wording of Zatanna so that it would trigger her ability it would be awesome. *hint, hint* :D
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  12. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    Gear: full DPS/Omni
    Artifacts: Trans, strat, purple/quislet (depends on if I'm tanking)
    Allies: cyborg passive, metal Batman (roll to detaunt) passive, HoL active
    Augments: upper 1 might, 1 resto: lower all might

    SP: Focus Superpowered. (Don't forget your movement) I also spec 1 point into super strength, because, who doesn't like lifting a bus here and there.
    All critical attacks (chance and magnitude)
    All critical healing ("")
    Max might/power
    Minimum of 100 in resto (200 if you can afford)
    100 into dominance is helpful for shield strength, but if your focus is not mitigation, then calculatedly, resto points are better for heals.

    Then, depends on power, what you would use.
    For example, with water you would want tsunami strikes (combo) as your primary power (damage and heals), followed by shark, each time. Then you can hit bubble (riptide), RSK, and whirlpool. (Replace SC with torrent or dehydrate if you want).

    For electric, you would want Arc lightning, overpower (or electrostatic bomb), Voltaic, flux, rsk, circuit breaker. For ST, swap overpower and Voltaic for heat vision and ionic drain.

    My own personal rotation for Celestial, I'm sorry, I don't share: but here's a great alternative: (full combo for everything)
    Plaque clipped to consume soul clipped to wrath clipped to consume clipped to plaque. Rsk, cursed idol.
    For the last power, you could use blessed, benediction, curse (strongest priority heal in game is curse combo), sacred light. I suggest this last power be an emergency use power, or shield, because if not, it will only slow down the damage. And get used to jumping between every button push on combos to greatly increase mobility during combo.
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  13. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    Also, sorcery would use fury (no offering!), soul bolt, soul barrage, shield, group heal and polymorph.

    For nature, I suggest switching to a power that doesn't have an annoying high pitch ring when you dps. I hate nature because of that noise overpowering EVERYTHING else in the game. So the only time I tried nature, I switched in less than 40 minutes. Nature should permanently be on mute. That is all.
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  14. Gam3r4Lif3 Dedicated Player

    I just came back and didn’t even really know about zatanna/wasn’t familiar with her passives but that would be a great addition I might think about leveling her up. My current allies are outdated but every time I wanna level a new one up a better one comes out lol
  15. L T Devoted Player

    Omegahedron should pair GREAT with Ebon. Except when I tested it, it just didn't. Omega didn't boost power regen enough, and didn't buff my damage enough to be worth it.

    DKS is a really good swap artifact. That's been mentioned before and I'm seconding it.

    Grim isn't great for Electric. The only power it's really any good for is Water, because water has no good way to apply a PI, and Dehydrate doesn't trigger Quizlet.