Is Damage Role good in pvp?

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by BrandNewWhip, Jun 25, 2020.

  1. BrandNewWhip New Player

    Hello, so I am Electric power and my arts are good for dps in pve. Pve content. My dps is fine. But when it comes to PvP and I am in dps role, I get crushed by these damn tanks man or I get their health low and run out of energy and they heal. Plus I rarely see anyone use DPS role for pvp. My question is should I do healer role for pvp if I am electric and what rotation to use. Because I have built my artifacts high and augs for dps not healing or should I stay with DPS role for pvp. I switched to healer role and tested a couple rotations from youtube but I got smacked harder than when I was in Damage role. I just feel like it would be counter productive to switch to another role since I invested so much into DPS but DPS sucks in pvp. I have not tested Healer in Arenas only in open world. But I prefer open world pvp
  2. GhostsAndMagic Dedicated Player

    No, not really, tanks and healers dominate the pvp meta