Is clipping still a thing?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Paschar, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Paschar New Player

    Hey, i'm re-installing the game atm. Have not played the game for i don't know how long. (pre-prosiben thingy whenever that was.)

    Anyway, i just recalled what made me quit in the first place (clipping) and was wondering if it has been fixed or not. I remb it used to be vital to raids and dungon's and led to kick's if not used. I love to min/max in games as long as it don't break immersion. After a few low scoreboards and a few kicks i sucked it up and felt forced into learning it which i did and my damage improved. But the fact that i needed to **** immersion to get awesome damage in a game that is 99% immersion (at least to me) made me quit.

    So.. is it still there? and if so is it still really vital?
  2. chaoticRE Well-Known Player

    not "exactly" what you'd call clipping but something is there.
  3. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    There are new methods of delivering damage. But if you aren't willing to do them, might I suggest you stick to survivability roles instead. Less pressure to conform that way therefore you can play as you wish without bringing the rest of the team down (assuming you are performing your function when playing for survivability)
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  4. The_fair_1 Committed Player

    Well clipping is not as needed as it used to, so yes SKILL is not needed anymore. You just need a good connection and some SP.
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  5. Paschar New Player

    As in new ways to break animation to improve damage? I don't understand..
  6. Paschar New Player

    This is great news if this is true. =) About the skill part ive always viewed that as reaction time towards enemy mechanics. Wow - get out of the fire,gw2 - dodge at right time to avoid damage etc etc.
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  7. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Clipping is till very much a thing.
  8. Paschar New Player

    Right.. contradictions.. hmm. and i assume its still vital for the latest raiding content?
  9. rival exe New Player

    Yes clipping still exists. Devs said it's intended. You'll still get kicked for having low damage or even having below 100 SP.
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  10. Quanflux New Player

    Depends if you want to finish all current end game raids in 1 hour for the week vs 1 hour and 10 minutes.
  11. The_fair_1 Committed Player

    I mean to do max dmg you will need to clip powers together still. Like clip a dmg move with a buff is still the best way to get the buffs, but the jc and other clips is not the best way to get max dmg, it's all about WM now.
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  12. spack2k Steadfast Player

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  13. Dcon34DCUO Loyal Player

    Kinda not really. Depending on your power you've got 2 options. Advanced Mechanic or Weapon Mastery.
    Decent guide on Weapon Mastery:

    I really don't have the urge to look up 8 or 9 different videos just to show AM. Each power has it's own "unique" AM.
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  14. Paschar New Player

    To me mastering what i consider a game flaw is not really about skill. If jumping every 5 sec would give you 100% damage boost everyone would do it, and you would have keep counting during gameplay to get the time right etc.. it would not be skill.. its stupid to me.

    But ok i get the point. It still alive and well. It is still a big factor in endgame raiding and that was all i really needed to know.
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  15. rival exe New Player

    It's not stupid. If you don't like it then don't do it.
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  16. Sbel Devoted Player

    Clipping isn't anywhere near as useful as it used to be. It's not *that* big of a factor. That's why some people are bitter.

    :( Don't leave without even checking the game out.
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  17. 1ndab0x176 New Player

    ur form of clippi.g, op, is gone. if u do it, it comes w dmg penalties a delay of power usage till the full time of the clipped power animation. doing so now grants low dps numbers
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  18. Dylan Top5 New Player

    WEAPON clipping is no longer viable, jump clipping is no longer instant. The devs caved in and catered to bad players that couldn't grasp the games complex DPS mechanics. It's what made DCUO unlike any other mmo, but some lazy players didn't want to learn how to master the combat mechanics, so they cried and the devs implemented weapon mastery. DPS is as simple as: Hold range > hold range > burst power > repeat. Yes you get to watch all the pretty animations, but you will be mostly using your weapon and not your powers are nothing more than a novelty in a superhero game. How's that for immersion? :)

    Truth is, if you were getting kicked prior to Weapon Mastery for being bad in raids, chances are this will still be the case.
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  19. Paschar New Player

    Salty... very salty. I'm sorry you think people are noobs for not playing into clipping. I guess you would call me a even bigger noob if i told you im currently in a world top 50 guild in wow. ("since wow raids takes no skills.") But gratz.. you have convinced me to re-sub and at least check the score boards for myself when i get there. I have a lot of catching up i think.
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  20. Grendel Golem Well-Known Player

    As a troller I still clip my debuffs with my recharge