Input Buttons Stop Working During Combat

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by GoldenarmsX, Jan 8, 2017.

  1. GoldenarmsX Active Player

    Something I had noticed on my PS3 copy: during the Anti-Monitor battle, the input buttons on my controller will suddenly stop responding. I can't use my loadouts, I can't use weapons, I can't even jump or roll. All I can do is run around, move the camera, access the menu, and click R3 to fly. Initially, I thought it was just an (extremely annoying and frustrating) ability of the Anti-Monitor temporarily disabling my Exobyte powers -- five to ten seconds later, I get input power back, though I'll sometimes lose it again several times in the same battle, and using the Consumable item designed to protect my Exobyte powers doesn't do anything to stop it.

    Later on, though, during the Will of Darkseid duo, Steppenwolf uses a pull on my character, and my controls are disabled again! And it doesn't go away after a few seconds, either. After five minutes, I end up having to reset the game to regain my control ability. I know it's not my PS3 controller on the fritz, as others during the Anti-Monitor Raid have stated the same thing has happened to them, plus the input buttons work as normal on the Item screen.

    So, what's going on here? It's bad enough fighting the Pinball Wizard that is Anti-Monitor in-game; I shouldn't have to fight my controller in real life, too.
  2. Zamara Dedicated Player

    The same thing just happened to with 2 of the 3 characters i played the anniversary event on today, during the event all the tray was disabled for around 80% of the time.
    All i could do was move around, fly & do pickups.
    I was constantly trying to block to check if it was gone but it wasn't & when it cleared it only did for about 10 seconds before it happened again.
    It's not just bad for the one who gets bugged but for the rest of the group too, if it was a player in support role they wouldn't be able to give power, heals or keep the ads away because they can't use their tray.
    I doubt it has something to do with it but the only time it didn't happen was when i got in with a group from LFG. The other 2 times i queued for it alone.