Inner Circle - USPS/PC - Hero League

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by TKMcClone, Jan 24, 2016.

  1. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Recruitment: Open

    Our Mission and Who we are:

    We are here to help improve each other, have fun, and to be a hardworking league on the US Server.

    Recruitment to Inner Circle is a process. We want to be sure that new members are a good fit with our existing roster. We take our time so that potential members get to know the league and the league gets to know them. You'll need to be patient and not expect an instant invitation.

    What are we looking for:
    • 18+ years old (we might make exceptions mainly based on maturity level)
    • Players who can play both their damage role and support role effectively and efficiently.
    • SP and CR Requirements: 190 Skill Points (minimum) and 150+ CR (minimum)
    • We are looking for good friendly people who value teamwork over individuality.
    • Must be able to take advice. You can always get better regardless of how long you've been playing the game. Everyone receives positive and negative feedback in instances, especially new content, in order to improve. So be ready to receive feedback on whatever it is you are doing and do not take it personal.
    • People who are willing to ask and to do raids/alerts. If you want to do a raid with the league, ask if anyone wants to run it. You may not always get a group based on what others are doing but we try not to leave people out. What we don't want are people who never say anything then feel left out.
    • People who can take a joke and that are laid back. An overly serious gamer is something that is never a good thing.
    • We prefer players who have raid/alert awareness and are able to think and react quickly. They have patience and go along with the team if we improvise tactics. We are also open to any idea brought up as long as it's feasible.
    • No needy players who want to get carried through everything. Players must show independence when league members go through break modes.
    • Players must have patience in order to have the confidence and trust of the more skilled members.

    All members should have both damage and support role gear
    with an armory for each on their main character. Players are not forced to play their damage or support role unless no one can be reached in or outside of the game to fill a spot.

    Players with negative/destructive attitudes, repeatedly fail to help either by excuses, or logging out, may be subjected to a vote for removal. It is about the needs of the team.

    No drama. If you have an issue with a member, try to resolve it with that person once you have cooled off. If you don't think you can resolve it with that person, talk to Red Cap or SkylaNevaeh (aka Nessa).

    No glitching/cheating/exploiting. Any exploit or glitch found must be reported to the developers. If you need help on determining what is an exploit or glitch then ask Thundarr or Red Cap. If someone is caught glitching willingly, they're given a warning. The second time they're caught, they are automatically removed from the league.

    Players can curse or let out frustration in a raid (scream, curse in general) but it can never be directed at anyone. Cursing someone out with malicious intent results in an immediate kick from the instance and/or league. Berating, belittling and insulting members is not allowed.

    If members need a feat or only have time to run an instance for marks, that has to be mentioned as the group is set up and before they que into the instance. There is an entire week to complete raids and players need to be patient so we get to everyone in the roster. Thursday is the only day when mark & gear loot runs are prioritized over feats.

    Runs to test or try out load outs / techniques/etc must be brought up to the group before setting up a raid. You need to let the group members know so that way they can adjust to whatever it is you are doing.

    Communication: You must be able to effectively communicate and listen during hard content. Every person in the group will need to be in the same chat when the group is running challenging content or if the group is going after a feat.

    Everyone has to participate in helping league mates even after they've completed their feat /marks/ whatever is done. Consistently failing to help league mates results in removal from the league. No one-man crusades but it's okay to PUG instances if players can't make it to league runs or have crazy schedules.

    Do not treat the league bank selfishly. Use your best judgement. For example, if you win a collection or plan you already consumed, placing it in the league bank for another member is most helpful.

    No challenging/difficult/time consuming feats will be done specifically for new recruits until they have become full members (after 60-90 days in the league). In the past, we would get these type of feats for new recruits and then they would leave. There are no exceptions.

    Who/How to contact:
    - Black Prime
    - Advanced Recon

    You can send us a PM, mail in game, a tell, or a reply here on the thread for any questions or league invite inquires. Good luck, heroes! ;)
    • Like x 2
  2. Cruelty Active Player

    • Like x 1
  3. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    "Do Not Go Gentle into that Black Night" Feat for a few more league mates,this one is becoming routine:D
  4. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Tank POV

    Feb 11: Dr. Light, last boss Prison Break Elite, finally.
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  5. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

    They are really good players! I still have friend in Inner Circle and they are really gentle!

    Good Luck guys!
    • Like x 3
  6. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Prison Break Elite
    Solo Tank
    • Like x 1
  7. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Recruitment is open
  8. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Looking for end-game players. New challenging content is a on it's way - get ready with Inner Circle.
  9. ermike Committed Player

    CR 147.. just came back. I have 206 or 207 SPs.. am currently in Reps but for PVE.. we are not super active and I'm looking to run alot of end game without pugging. I currently am an ice dps but will be tanking as well once I get geared dps wise.
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  10. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Still looking to add to the roster...
  11. C Level Active Player

    I am a ex-long time player returning to the game. My SP and CR were high for when I left, but below your current requirements. Are you making any exceptions for the right fit, or is that a hard line?

    Thank you
  12. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    122 SP CR103 is a bit too low, the problem is that you wouldn't have anyone to run content with...particularly for older feats.
    Feel feat to check again when you're closer to end-game.
  13. ermike Committed Player

    Haven't seen u guys on last couple days.. I will be on tonight at some point, maybe we can link up
    • Like x 1
  14. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    welcome abroad!
  15. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    The new content in on it's way this week and we're excited!:D
    Join up and be excited with us!
  16. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Recruitment to Inner Circle is a process. We want to be sure that new members are a good fit with our existing roster. We take our time so that potential members get to know the league and the league gets to know them. You'll need to be patient and not expect an instant invitation.

    If you want to run some content with us send a message in game or on the forum.
  17. IceLantern New Player

    Awesome to see you guys still going.
    • Like x 3
  18. Ant Tao Well-Known Player

    Hi. Im interested in joining your league. My main role is electric dps (cr 152, fully modded) and I also heal (cr 154, modded with synthetics). Im also pretty good at pvp levends (deathstroke, black atom) and arenas (cr 99). I could've been 100 a long time ago, but I bought all the pvp styles instead. I also have 186 sp.
  19. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    We've opened up limited recruitment and are looking to a few more players to the roster.
  20. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    We increased the Sp requirement to 190 and CR to 141 (main toon), to ensure new recruits are firmly in end-game. We don''t chase the old feats anymore and don't want to leave anyone behind or feeling left out.