Infinite PVE sodas?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jumpnit, Apr 14, 2015.

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  1. AlphaOrion Dedicated Player

    No different than the ones about not getting the Head, Ring, Neck or Mask and there really aren't that many threads about them, people will whine just to whine that will never stop.
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  2. Multiverse Creator League

    I agree..... there is a LOT of things they SHOULD do.

    Sadly.... they are not doing them.

    But this is something they could do.
    Heck it is already done.
    All they would need is to add a price tag and put it in the MP.

    There are various threads in the past where people suggested to add items to the MP (Iconic emblems, Styles, etc).
    But all of that would mean extra work...... and the Devs don't seem to willing to do extra work..... even if it is to sell stuff in the MP.

    Here the work is already done.
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  3. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Sometimes I wonder about you guys.....
    This really is something else you could sell in the marketplace as a convenience item... as others have said.
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  4. King Smoker Well-Known Player

    my money is ready...make it happen.
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  5. jedirobb Well-Known Player

    It's not about "making it more expense for everyone else" it's about supporting the game.

    This is a free-to-play game and, as such, needs a constant source of micro-transactions/revenue for it to continue to be supported (AKA up, in business, alive, keep going).

    Items like this are a great opportunity for them to make some revenue, especially considering how it may impact additional revenue sources like inventory slots, for example.

    Those of us who understand the need for balance of free vs cost are willing to speak up about a good idea when we see it because it is the right thing to do.
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  6. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    actually if you've seen some of the legendary vs premium debates more often than not it does seem like a "make everything more expensive for everyone else" type of community
  7. hudapak Well-Known Player

    It's a shame that things so simple yet brilliant like an Infinite Soder Cola for PvE is not in their plans but other things that most people hate they keep shoving down our throats. smh
    And while the idea of making it an OP item is good I don't support it coz it'll just be a very small group of people who'll get them. For the rest of very unlucky players who always end up getting screwed with the ridiculous loot drop system , they are going to be screwed some more. No way!
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  8. ChuckLess New Player

    Well, since the Extreme Soders drop all over the place, it would be nice to have this. The stacks of 12 take up inventory space, do not self replenish, and disappear whenever we use an armory.

    It would solve a minor, but daily, irritant. There are many little things like this that would go a long way to improve daily life within DCUO :)
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  9. MeloMan New Player

    All sodas are the same now except the buff sodas. Imo they should give us an infinite pve soda just like the pvp soda. But make the pve 1 only usable in pve instances like the pvp 1 is. That way extremes are still relevant for open world for pve and pvp and because most premium players rely on them for repair bills.
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  10. comrade sonya Committed Player

    Yes, I pvp.

    "There are other people than just you in the game"

    Which is why I brought up my POV, that this doesn't necessarily have to impact the sales of inventory space, because not everyone in the game is like the people in this thread, buying inventory space just for the sole purpose of stacks of colas :)
  11. Dene Devoted Player

    Another plus size, for the devs, of this great idea is that they could remove a few of the vendors.. just put the 2 types of infinite soder on another vendor and voila our HQs would be slightly less cluttered, i'm guessing that this - albeit slightly - helps with space
  12. Furling Well-Known Player

    Equipment interfaces (2's I think) are worth a lot more and stack better... extremes are a poor way to do this as a premium.
  13. KlausKilowatt Committed Player

    What we really need is an account bound repair bot, such as the portable R&D staion. It would really be convenient even if you still had to pay in game cash to repair from it. Or a possible solution would be to add the repair function to the portable R&D station. If the devs could see it in there hearts to make armories account bound and add a repair trinket I would giggle for a week straight. Just my 2¢ :)
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  14. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I would only buy that if they then took the repair bots out of the booster bundles. In any case I would definitely buy a permanent repair bot for sure.
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  15. Stark23 Committed Player

    I totally expected to see these as soon as the PVP soda was implemented. I think it's a great idea.
  16. Krypton Dedicated Player

    I would love this if you added it. I get sick of my inventory being filled up with sodas. :)
  17. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    You know what would be even more convenient? Selling buff soders in stacks of six instead of one from the Equipment Mods vendor! Pretty please with sugar on top?:D
  18. BigBadDogIV Committed Player

  19. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I just assumed there was a technical difficulty with the multiple consumable slots. And, all the mission rewards.

    I was ecstatic with the reduction of soder types. Whatever benefit that produced, it would reduce it by yet one more.
    This would solve the problem of using up the armory-bound stack of soders.
    This would solve the problem of having a pve soder equipped when you go into pvp. Why can't we manage our inventory in PvP again?
  20. Dragon Power Well-Known Player

    No Just No
    Worst idea ever stop making more then one topic on this.
    We need items like this to keep the MMO economy healthy and in check (cash influx and as a root R&D item for the buff soders) as well as provide an incentive grind that R&D feat.
    Get a job, do some chores in real life, trade exobytes for psn card and stop wasting your money buying fast food and then you will have some money to buy some inventory space/legendary subscription. Problem solved.
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