Increased DPS with full supercharge

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jarin Krad, Sep 13, 2014.

  1. Jarin Krad New Player

    Truth or rumor, and if true, where does it say that?
  2. kawe Loyal Player

    To add to that. I heard full supercharge gives you stronger CC resistance, or better break out. (forgot if it was in correlation to being in tank role)

    I think increased dps by having a full bar is (or was) in the traits menu somewhere, at the power description. I gonna take a look.

    Edit: nope, can't find anything in the descriptions. Must be something that somebody tested one day, and now it's floating around.
  3. LordStrongsword New Player

    IIRC, it's on the left side of the screen in the tree specialization info.
  4. kawe Loyal Player

    I thought the same and took a look, it's not there.
  5. Skyfairy New Player

    Do you mean the extra damage certain weapon attacks get if you have a full SC? And you also get an extra CC effect iirc. It's usually the basic hold attacks that it applies to and it does give a slight increase to damage from what I've read but not so much of a difference that you'd really notice so I don't let it hold me back from using my SC as often as I need.
  6. the swoosh New Player

    its true..some weapon say they do more dmg when full sc....the only problem is that since we have weapon mastery it is next to useless...
  7. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Basic Lunges and Block Breakers (Hold Melee or Hold Range) have increased damage while at 1000+ Supercharge and have an additional CC effect being a knockback or knockdown in many situations.

    Even with Weapon Mastery these bonuses still apply when using a Ranged Weapon Mastery Combo.

    For example: Both ranged WM combos from Handblasters start off with Hold range followed up by hold or tap range followed with hold range. The first hold range HB attack profits from the 1000+ SC bonus.

    Other examples:

    1h hold Range into Solar Flame WM
    Staff Hold Range into Mortar WM
    and so on.

    In PvP its still quite usable due to its CC effect when lunging an enemy.
  8. Ice Lantern New Player

    Enhanced versions do not seem to do extra damage. For example Explosive Shot -> Full Auto doesn't seem to do extra damage because it's not the regular Full Auto but the enhanced version.
  9. Remander Steadfast Player

    Most WM enhanced attacks do not, but I think a few do. Shiny Mackerel has worked out all the numbers. Link is in my sig.
  10. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    Not sure if this is still true, but there were some weapons that were supposed to hit harder when a player had a full Supercharge.

    As far as the CC resistance bonus goes, I never heard that one before.

    That said, I do wish something could be done to alternatively use Supercharges for those who choose not to use them.

    Personally, while done or more specific role bonuses for players with full Supercharges might be the simplest solution, I’d still luv to possible see some special weapon mechanic introduced that would allow us to utilize special weapon attacks.

    For example:
    • One Handed (horizontal), Two Handed (vertical) and Dual Wield (x-cross) would all get a “super” slash attacks.
    • Rifle, Dual Pistols and Handblasters all would get a “super” shot attacks.
    …and so on and so forth!!!
  11. 1ndab0x176 New Player

    before the rework of wpn combo trees to accomidate the second row of inates, the lunge and block break moves needed sp to open. those said damge is increased if sc bar was full. now taking first move of any wpn automaticly gives u lunge and block break, and description no longer says it, so im gonna say not anymore.
  12. Ice Lantern New Player

    I think his numbers pertain to the entire WM combo, not just the last part of it.
  13. Proto1118 Committed Player

    Higher defense/health for Tanks with a full SC bar. More Vit for Trolls with a full SC bar. More Resto for Healers with a full SC bar.
    Why stop with only DPS?
    • Like x 2
  14. Locarthemanbeast Committed Player

    Didn't that get taken away with one of the 22? I remember because I used to use dual wield with a full SC bar but after the animation update where you didn't have the charge bar, I stopped using them.
  15. Minnion Devoted Player

    Because DPS never play their support stance?:D
  16. 1ndab0x176 New Player

    lol ppl dont read. the op was asking about an old function that is no longer here, not asking to have it put in.
  17. Remander Steadfast Player

    Yeah, but it's because of part that the whole benefits. There are certain combos that have a damage boost with full SC, but if that combo is mastered, any full SC bonus no longer applies. Thus, it's the WM combos that have lead in components that aren't mastered that increase the overall damage. There aren't very many, as I recall.
  18. Cosmos Girl Well-Known Player

    Yep I checked it. Your weapons damage does increase with full SC. I only checked with Dual wield. I took all armor off and did single slashes on practice target. I averaged about 78-144 before and 132-192 after full charge (didn't count critical hits).
    • Like x 1
  19. Fools Fire Loyal Player

    ^^^ This is why Fire DPS really shouldn't use a SC power. None of them are good enough to cover the damage you'd lose later on.
  20. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    Read rifles mortar description...