Increase hud opacity

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Nevaborn, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Nevaborn New Player

    Hey guys, on old forum made a thread about reducing the opacity of the static huds. Mainly to reduce image retention. But also it can feel more immersive without the power bar hitting you in the face.

    Currently with Alpha turned all the way down maps and chat box are about alright but the move bar is still too visible. So would ask to increase the opacity of the alpha setting.
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  2. TK PUSHA Dedicated Player

    wouldnt 'transparent' be what you are looking for?
    'opaque' would be the opposite.
    if you mean make it more transparent, then heck yeah.

    i have always had severe LCD ghosting from the UI going back 2 years.
    i swear at one time or another i could get it more transparent, but recently it stays more opaque for some reason despite the fade setting.
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