#Increase escrow cap to 1mil:D

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Yvtq8K3n, Jan 7, 2019.

  1. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    And I pay $10 EVERY MONTH, whether there is a new DLC or not (that's $120 for access to new DLCs each year, compared to the $30 - max - that a premium pays for access to new DLCs in a year - and I don't even get to keep access to those DLCs if I stop paying). I also spend extra money on things in the MP.

    So yes, the unlimited cash is a big part of the subscription, and any raise in the premium cash cap makes the subscription that bit less attractive. Face it, if premium got comfortable enough (due to a raised cash cap - and if it goes up with every DLC it only gets more comfortable), then I could drop my sub, buy the DLCs, and save myself $90 a year. Less money for the game.

    Yes, you paid $10 for a DLC, but that's just it - you paid for the DLC - you did not pay for an increased cash cap.
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  2. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    You assume just because someone is premium they dont buy the extras in the MP. Kinda funny tbh, and with what I suggested it would take decades for premium to even buy something off the broker. Let's be for real that's what this is all about. You and others dont want 'the peasants' using the broker like your royalties can, and tbh I could care less about the broker as I go through a friend who sales my goods.

    I'm just tired of having to ask for colas its disgraceful with as much money as I've dumped into this game.
  3. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Nope, but you mentioned buying extra stuff on the MP, so I just pointed out that Legendaries also do that, since you gave the impression that you thought we didn't.

    And no, I don't give a damn what you spend your money on, in game or real world, but if they do something that reduces the value of something I'm paying for, then I am going to rethink my spending habits.

    Also not sure where you're getting this "peasants and royalties" crap from. I used to be Premium, and my wife still is, but I upgraded. I suggest you quit whining and do the same.
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  4. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Because that's how you and everyone else on this subject always comes off.
  5. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    So you don't like begging for colas... but maybe if you bought 400-500 million's worth of colas, instead of offering to pay that much for a style (I assume your friend would actually do the cash part of the deal) then you would never have to beg for them again. Why is it these threads always start with a request for more money for repairs and end up being about buying styles?
  6. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    That's funny because nowhere in this thread was it mentioned about styles but nice attempt at reaching.

    And as far as my other thread goes, I go through a friend in order to obtain capsule feats while giving him a portion of whatever I made in game cash wise for helping buy and sale items.
  7. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    And as far as it 'ending about buying styles' your the who dragged another threads topic into this thread. Derailing it.
  8. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Nope, not reaching - just putting two and two together to get four. See I read the threads, and noticed that you made a couple of interesting posts that seemed related. Perhaps your friend could buy your colas for you using the same deal that you have now for styles/feats, just add colas to the arrangement. No need to beg for colas, and no need to cry about not having access to something you haven't paid for.
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  9. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    I personally don't have to 'beg' for colas because as a healer of 7+ years I've became rather good at what I do and rarely die, and on the off chances I do need to repair I have friends who dont mind buying me colas for free, because they refuse to run with any other healer.
  10. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    You have no problem dealing with the cash cap then. Glad that's sorted out. Happy New Year.
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  11. Milutin Mujovic Well-Known Player

    Yes but some of us don't like subscription based models of payment. We prefer to purchase our content.
    I don't get why is it so hard to comprehend.

    Just because you can afford to pay for something every month, doesn't mean all of us can.

    We're not asking to be treated exclusively like you, who get free marketplace currency every month, unlimited escrow, etc.
    We just want our benefits to scale with the amount of money we put into this game.
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  12. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Oh that's easy enough to comprehend. What you don't seem to comprehend is that YOU choose not to subscribe, and when you made that choice you knew that there would be consequences as a result of it.
  13. Milutin Mujovic Well-Known Player

    They are not consequences but simply lack of benefits.
    I won't bother explaining it to you, it's a waste of time.
  14. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Yes, the lack of benefits is the consequence of not paying for a subscription (a subscription which includes those benefits).