In Game RP community

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by HeirOfSteel, Jun 16, 2019.

  1. HeirOfSteel New Player

    Hey guys. I’m just throwing this out there, there’s an RP community back in DCUO again. I’m community head there, and we’re currently using Discord for means of chat as the chat box is legendary locked and a lot of ya need legendary on this new account first. Storyline is set 6 years after the last community left DCUO, unofficially around a few years back. Here’s the discord if you’re interested
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  2. RokVar Active Player

    Sounds cool. I've never used discord before, but will check it out.

    That link isn't working though.
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  3. Wonder Wiccan Dedicated Player

    If you want people to join you have to keep posting updated links this one already expired
  4. HeirOfSteel New Player

  5. Chia Death Well-Known Player

    My biggest issue with role-playing is what do you do when one person decides on their character's backstory and another person has their own character with a backstory and the two contradict each other? Who gets non-canon authority?
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  6. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    Apply these rules:
    1. Nobody is from "Earth Prime"
    2. Pick a number. You are from that Earth in the multiverse.
  7. Chia Death Well-Known Player

    But my character's backstory is that they're from Earth prime!

    Seriously though, I get what you're saying, and as long as everyone participating agrees I'm sure it works fine.
  8. Wonder Wiccan Dedicated Player

    Well can you provide an example?
  9. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    I don't like RP communities in games like these; most of the time you can get along with people but there's always one toolbox whose backstory is something ridiculous like "I'm the god of black holes" and they basically treat everyone like crap and use that as an excuse to do so. Note that I actually do enjoy and occasionally indulge in RP (though honestly that's mostly just my characters yelling at each other) so I'm not trying to crap on the idea, just sharing my personal reservations with it.
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  10. Wonder Wiccan Dedicated Player

    That's just an a-hole being an a-hole searching for an excuse. Religion. Beliefs. Income. Class. Gender. Sexuality. The a-holes will use any excuse they can use to be an a-hole. Lumping in an entire community as the problem is negative in itself. I enjoy RP. I also enjoy just game play. I also enjoy just talking to my friends. Or just sorting through all styles trying to find a new or temporary or seasonal look.
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  11. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Yeah, I can do everything on that list without being a part of a dedicated RP community, and I can also miss out on the judgment from members of the RP community for not wanting to be part of said community, by not being a part of said community. It's okay to enjoy a thing without being a direct participant in it.

    It's supposed to be about having fun, and it's been my experience that in groups who advertise specifically "we're here to RP", there's usually someone involved whose definition of "fun" somehow includes making sure that other people aren't having any. Not always, but hey - if I can avoid that by not participating, then I don't participate.

    I stopped playing MtG for the same reason : most of the people playing are decent enough, but it's a platform that tends to attract people whose power in life is missing elsewhere, which unfortunately drives them to seek it in environments like that. That's just a bad mix - you can't place someone in a situation with no accountability because they're "in character" when they're basically looking for that allowance to behave in a negative manner. I'm good.
  12. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    That being said, if y'all need a Hotel to play in (not sure what kind of RP you have in mind) let me know...