Im not one to normally complain...buuut

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tini Bubbles, Jun 3, 2013.

  1. Tini Bubbles Well-Known Player

    What is with the T5 solo drop rate? So the last 8 of them I have done I have gotten all healer and 2 tank items. Im on my controller?
    What adds insult to injurt is out of all the ones I have salvaged I have gotten 2 simple and 2 complex materials. The rest have been junk.
    Either I have the worst luck in human history or SOE should look at the drop rate and salvage returns.

    Unless someone can shed some insight to me on what I might be doing wrong.

    Please dont get me wrong I am really enjoying the game and I love the new quantum powers I am just getting a tad bit frustrated at the drop rate in the T5 solo and the lack of salvage returns.

    I seem to have hit a wall at CR 88 trying to get to 90+

    Well thats all have a nice day yall...ya hear :)
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  2. Midnight Strike New Player

    it's okay, we all have some complaint to let out at some point. If we don't speak our opinions as the customer, then the devs will not know how we feel about the product or what needs to be looked at for changes.
  3. Kaidan Committed Player

    You're not doing anything wrong. I'm a Controller and it took me like 30 odd runs to get some of the higher level Controller gear.
  4. Statman New Player

    I infact suffered the opposite oddly. I pretty much completed both a DPS and Tank set of gear from the solos before even seeing Healer or Controller drops, lol.
  5. petvpets New Player

    Intended, I got a full set of tank and troller (minus the chest) before I started getting my role gear. Only thing I am missing from the instances now is a dps and troller chest (still)

    They all drop eventually.....
  6. Tini Bubbles Well-Known Player

    Ive gotten 2 full sets of healer, tank and DPS gear. Dear Lord Baby SOE please gimme muh troller gear Amen :))
  7. Tini Bubbles Well-Known Player

    OH yeah and I forgot to mention. The Vault. I was excited thinking they might have changed the drops in the Vault ...nope exact same useless crap Ive always got. However I do think I figured it out. My exwife is in charge of my loot drops :p
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  8. Notangie New Player

    Switch to healer if you want controller drops.
  9. TheBirdOfSteel Committed Player

    you just got bad luck

    i have good luck i got the full tank set over my last 7 runs!!!...oh but a healer :oops:
  10. Wizz Tron New Player

    I did it yesterday with my controller and got nothing but tank gear
  11. Tini Bubbles Well-Known Player

    Dear Lord Baby SOE please make me some promo boxs to drop....Amen!