I'm not asking for a lot but can you please change Tsunami strikes animation?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Lucidex, Oct 23, 2023.

  1. Lucidex Active Player

    It's either that or add a high tide cool down reduction power interaction for Ebb so I can stop using this ability.
    Please Devs.

    Just to clarify that hand animation is amazing, and looks like waterbending but there's no water...it just splashes on a target...at least add the Ebb water animation in it...or depth charge animation
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  2. MegaDCUO New Player

    I would also appreciate them increase waterspouts range to be on par with the other powers. No reason for that to be barely midrange.or honestly. More like the very tip of short range. It's WAY to short range.
  3. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I too hate the way it looks .. love the animation of the hand gestures but hate that it doesn’t look like much … would love to see the target(s) getting hit by waves from all sides .. think striking stones from the earth power set how the two rocks smash into the targets … would be cool if waves were hitting them similarly and slightly larger waves then ebb

    I doubt it would happen but would be fun.

    Also waters sound affects for a lot of their powersets always seemed underwhelming. I get there are limitations with water sounds but it just sounds so dull