If I remember correctly if you put someone on ignore after GU47 you would not play with or against this person in PVE or PVP. The function doesn't work as intended, because a few times in the last week 2 persons which are on my ignore list were in my group when I randomly queued for PVE or PVP instances. Anyone else experienced this?
Yup, started a thread elsewhere a few days ago. Has happened twice to me today during event runs. All I got out of it was reminders about why those "folks" were on ignore already. edit: Took screen caps too but I'm not wasting my "You only get 1 ticket at a time" limit.
Regarding PvP, currently it should only work when being grouped with, not against. I really wish the functionality worked for who you were fighting because it's more annoying to fight against exploiters/dirty fighters all night than have to deal with an annoying partner in my opinion. Maybe someday...
I'm thinking thats to prevent the abuse that would inevitably happen if we could ignore folks we didn't want to face in pvp matches.
I have 4 people on ignore because of pvp... two die once and than stand around like idiots and two where something doesn't feel right when i fight them (suspect them of using macros for some combos). I don't mind losing when I lose fair, because the other one or team is better. And one of this standing around types started to kick me from pve instances because i called him out, and after GU47 i got him in 3 alerts.
Who started the rumor that the ignore feature would be changed in Game Update 47? It is being changed in Game Update 48, so this thread is based on rumor and not fact. "It's all true. I heard it from some random guy on the forums!" GU48: Ignore Changes
It wasn't a rumor it was in GU 47 on Test, and in the Live patch notes before Mepps edited it out on May 11th. Halls of Power Part II + Game Update 47 I'm guessing they couldn't get it working in time.
Thanks. I didn't see it in the live update notes, so I figured it was not supposed to be in the update. Hopefully your post will help to alleviate the feelings expressed in this thread.
yes I have video footage of this on my YouTube channel but I am unable to post said video here due to it would called "black listing"
Yeah, turns out the "random guy on the forums" was Mepps. ;-p My apologies for calling it a rumor. However, it is now in update 48, which would stand to reason that it was not in update 47 (that, and the note on it has been removed from the live patch notes for 47).
not to mention their not doing alt wide ignore either now its a 1 character ignore which is what we have now. So they pretty much are only adding never seeing ppl anymore thats it.
took away all the good features from their 1st showcase of the ignore update and only tweaking it now lol, guess they didnt make enough off of replays as they thought they would with HoP2
It hast taken me around 1,5 hours that I have unified the ignore and friends lists on all my chars because of this. Probably we will get this feature with the new UI, which will never come.
There has been this one guy for the past month ninja inviting me to instances. At first I was cool with helping every once in awhile. Then he kept inviting me to instances and never ever contacted me asking help him. Recently put them on ignore and they can still invite me to instances. Working as intended?