Idea I've been pondering...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MiniReaperette, Sep 16, 2015.

  1. MiniReaperette Level 30

    With the Promethium Lockbox overhauls came some chances for the wicked villain styles.
    So far since they have been overhauled. I've seen users rocking 4 to 5 to even 6 pieces of villain styles.
    Started DC on the villain side. I still remember all of the gear sets. (Metallo's Maw, Joker's Punchline etc) Even looked up the newer villain styles. (Divine Sorceress etc, Not sure if it's in the lockboxes) Now with this I also noticed for me at least. That villain gear dropping in the boxes is rare. Think i've only gotten 3 styles. (One being one i was really hoping for. Eternal chest)
    The idea that's been floating around in my head. The ability to sell the villain styles on the broker. They're not really limited. You can see hundreds of users with villain pieces. In my honest opinion. I would drop 1 to 3 mil for Metallo's Maw Shoulders or Divine sorceress chest/legs. I know it's probably due to in-game economy. But just a thought. Would be cool. :)
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