Idea Based on the "Oan" theme

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Aduzar Light, Jan 11, 2021.

  1. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    Hello, every time I go through a phase that has to do with lanterns, I always think of a personalised base, just for them, wouldn't it be possible to have one? Of course the same thing could be envisaged for other lanterns and other environments!

    As an example of an idea, we already have an Oan structure just for a solo, it would be quite possible to use this structure as an inspiration, I would even accept it in its current style.

    This would also allow a new basic structure, maybe not necessarily until we have a portal to teleport to another room (although I wouldn't be against the idea at all ;) ), but at least, several rooms like the structure already proposes in the solo, it would be so great.

    Other ideas for this base, instead of having a creature trapped in the center, make a wall with a big lantern logo shining on the wall.
    There's already a teleport portal skin so there's already a good existing part to make a base like this and finally it would revive the basic architecture ;)
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  2. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    i would love a ranx or mogo themed base, a Oan themed base would be the cake taker
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  3. Eve YouTuber

    Yes please.
  4. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player


    took me years to get my lantern to look this good
  5. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    Mogo or Oan doesn't matter, although logically it should be Mogo since Oan is doomed to disappear, although I know very little about the history of this passage of the lanterns, moreover DCUO sows a little trouble on this point by << including>> the 2 planets.