I'd like to fight Larfleeze

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by LootNinja, Aug 19, 2013.

  1. LootNinja New Player

    I haven't put much thought into the scenarios or alerts or whatever but I wanna punch his face. Larfleeze's mug is just begging for a punchin'.

    Maybe we can find his planet with all his loot and start a war for the best gear. Then suspend the group loot rules so everyone can need on everything and if you steal the most gear from the other classes you get an Orange Lantern emblem. All in the spirit of Avarice of course.

    The ninja looting threads would be epic in number.

    This is a serious thread. I think this game needs more fun in it. More things to laugh at that only comic geeks really get. I've saved the world like 53,989 times now.
  2. Ivy Bird Committed Player

    He is the boss for the Christmas event.
  3. Kristyana New Player

    That sounds rather...
    ( •_•)>⌐■-■
    • Like x 1
  4. LootNinja New Player

    Forgot about the Christmas event. I still like Loot World better though.
  5. Cream Corn New Player

    In the DC universe, larfleeze can easily destroy all of us. In fact, just recently in the comics he took on the entire gl corps on oa. And also battled some kind of immortal godlike guy from another dimension. Hes just one guy but he has the power of an entire corps.
  6. darkmoon caverns New Player

  7. darkmoon caverns New Player

    They changed the loot system. Everyone gets their own gear.
  8. BlueVariable Committed Player

    Christmas event is more than appropriate for Larfleeze at the moment, but who knows, maybe he'll get included somewhere else down the road.
  9. Cloud_9 New Player

    He's guaranteed a spot inthe War of the Light trilogy. Soon™
  10. Owl Devoted Player

    Maybe Larfleeze will show up in one of the War of the Lights DLCs.
    We all know how they like to reuse existing characters in DLCs.