Iconic styles

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Saiyan King, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Saiyan King New Player

    Ok so we have some great iconic styles with emblems such as all the lantern styles, robins chest,nightwings style,deathstroke style but what about more styles? Why not add more we haven't seen new lockbox styles I'm like a year and a half. And we could either benefit from a iconic emblem pack or give us the ability to go get iconic pieces. Not just some weird inspired by crap IE: the batman inspired one is just a big robo suit the aqua man one just looks bad. This is dcuo after all you'd expect to look like your favorite character if you wanted too.
  2. rival exe New Player

    this game is a licensed game. you'd expect that there would be some legal issues and we couldn't just look exactly like our favorite heroes. besides why would you want to? be your own person instead. if you want to be batman then you should play the Arkham games.
  3. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    If anything, the design team needs to emphasize future gear styles bearing greater similarity to the type of visual styles/concepts used by the DC comics artists. They've done this recently with the lantern inspired gear styles and the New 52 lockbox styles, but also with the slimline styles released in Lightning Strikes and Battle for Earth. Just the same, something can be done with emblems so that players don't need to necessarily wear the exact same iconic character's emblem, but wear something that shows solidarity with their mentors (including the other JLA/Society members). IE: A Batman faction emblem could contain a design of featuring 3 Bats instead of one, representing the Incorporated, so to speak. A literal take on the house of El could feature the S symbol engraved over a planet, building/structure, sun, etc. Lexcorp already has a logo emblazoned on vehicles and troop uniforms, so that's one's already an easy deal. Etc.
  4. Multiverse 15000 Post Club


    Can you play Ted Kord Blue Beetle in the Arkham games?? Captain Atom?? The Question?? etc...?

    Why would people want to play their favorite hero?? really you have to ask this??

    Why would someone who loves Superman would want to play Superman?? The answer to this is pretty much self evident.

    Some people want to play generic hero 20053.

    And some people want to play Superman.

    Ironically.... you can pretty easily recreate the almighty Magneto in DCUO.
    Or most of the X-men.
    Heck you can pretty much recreate multiple versions of Cylops, Wolverine, Angel, etc.

    But somehow..... making a DC character in a DC game is a big no no??

    The Devs and DC themselves show some pretty EPIC level of stupidity when it comes to this.

    For the longest time... we did not have access to green auras because of stupid arbitrary rule form the Devs or DC.

    Then after a while they finally came to their senses and added the Green Aura to the game...... and somehow all was fine.
    The world did not end.
    Heck they added the Green Lantern logo on the Scion of Ion style... and once more all was fine.
    The world once more did not end.

    But still they cling to their stupid arbitrary rules of not being able to recreate Iconics.

    But luckily that does not stop people from creating their own Batman, Green Arrow, Superman.

    Sadly they have to recreate them characters with a limited symbol collection.
    In some cases we can get the logo from the Iconic T-shirts.
    Sometimes we have to use a logo that sort of kind of looks like the logo we want.

    Hopefully in time.... the Devs will add more styles with Iconic emblems.

    We shall see.
    • Like x 1
  5. recoil Committed Player

    anybody know if player picked emblems like the spade or drama will appear on iconic armors like kryptonian medico?
  6. BumblingB I got better.

    You get a like just for the mention of Ted.