Iconic powers

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by villian O5, Jun 26, 2013.

  1. villian O5 New Player

    Would like to see more. Thank you.
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  2. M-theory New Player

    I would like to see Martian Manhunter Powers.
  3. Deathmike Devoted Player

    Yes, please.

    Deathmike out.
  4. Anhur Committed Player

    I'd personally prefer to see the existing Iconics reworked rather than new ones added, +100 Health/Power/Def is massively underpowered and largely useless in T5 - make them scale with CR in some manner.
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  5. Ryejin New Player

    100% agree with both of these.
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  6. villian O5 New Player

    They can start with that. And still add more as they add more powers. Like when quantum came i thought they would put some iconic in there from the two people they based the powers off of.
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  7. Anhur Committed Player

    What kind of Iconic(s) do you think they could add though, maybe something like;

    "Heroic Resolve": Your desire to protect the innocent grants you X% increase to ...

    "Villanious Resolve": Your desire to complete your neferious schemes grants you X% increase to ...
  8. Lynx Committed Player

    I think there are some inherent issues with the passive iconics. As was previously said, when you get into t4/t5 content, the passive bonuses just arent worth the power point, and that's saying a lot when there isnt much else to spend those points on. However, the opposite also holds true - for fresh 30's, or even up through t2/t3 content, it's almost a necessity to take those passive iconics to make up for early gear stats.

    Personally, I'd just as soon have them do away with passive iconics altogether - at least the ones that only offer a basic stat boost. Passives like super strength are still fitting, IMO, and are fine to keep around.

    What I'd like to see are more active iconics which grant or benefit from power interactions. The problem with a lot of the active iconics right now is that they're terrible when compared to power set abilities. Most of the iconics do not grant power interaction effects (off the top of my head, i think only heat vision does), and none of them gain a benefit based on power interaction effects currently on the target.

    What if neo-venom boost made your attacks apply the crushing effect to your target? What if word of power electrified enemies in the area? What if the nature bloom one (I forget the name) gave a pheremone burst interaction like the nature abilities use? What if sonic scream/shout could daze targets?

    There are also a lot of other iconic powers that could be added. We have yet to see iconics from flash or aquaman, for example.
  9. Caseyyeah Committed Player

    Agreed. Scaling would actually make people stop and consider getting an Iconic power instead of a straight chosen power loadout.
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  10. Remander Steadfast Player

    Iconics definitely need some love. The CR scaling has long been needed, but I agree that adding some more powers would be great. Would add more variety to the game. Very few people can successfully run iconic builds with the way they are currently.
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  11. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    passive iconics are just a bonus if you have left over power points. Yea its not much, but neither is the second row of innates in the weapon trees. Neither is going to make or break you, their just bonuses.
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  12. Echephyle New Player

    The critical damage and critical healing passives are still good as they're percent and chance based, instead of a fixed value.
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  13. Remander Steadfast Player

    True, but the Def, Health, Dom, and Power innates should scale. As is, they are of much more benefit at lower CR than higher CR. I still get them, when I have the PP to spare, but just because I have the PP to spare.
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  14. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    I still want my iconic red lantern barf since I can't be a red lantern.
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  15. Remander Steadfast Player

  16. LucidityKJ Dedicated Player

    Speaking of Iconic powers, are the actual powers in there worth using? For example, Heat Vision, Freeze Breath, Batarangs, etc. They all look awesome but how much do they actually detract from your characters effectiveness by using one of your loadout slots to put one of those in?
  17. Remander Steadfast Player

    Depends on the role. I've used Sonic Cry for tanking. Good AoE stun. Amazonian Deflection and HL Shield are also good. Mesmerizing Lasso is a good single target pull for those who don't have one (like Fire). Word of Power is a good troller SC. NVB has DPS potential, but is really power hungry. Of the DPS powers, Batarang Multishot is probably the best, as the cast time and power cost are good for the damage. I've heard of people using it. Heat Vision, Freezing Breath, and Sonic Shout are fun, but not really practical for DPS, because of the cast time/power cost. I've not messed with Robot Sidekick, Gag Glove, or Clown Box. There are better healing SC than Pheromone Bloom.
  18. isamunore New Player

    I think this is a great topic with alot of good ideas but I have to disagree with iconics scaling with CR. I think the people that only go after gear and replay to get the gear first shouldn't have the same power advantage as those that grind the feats to get true power. I think something that would put everyone on the same playing field would be a system where "X" amount of skill points unlocks a Legendary point to used to beef up an iconic power. For example; hardlight shield, we all know it does when you have the iconic unlocked. now picture you increase the power by adding your hard earned legendary point to give the shield a boost as well as extending it's diameters much like major force has in the Bludhaven alert. A shield that can protect several people at once and imagine popping that while picking ppl up or helping to shield a healer or tank thats about to have a bad day. the passives that have a legendary point added to it should be boosted as well by a significant amount to have people look at them as viable boosts to there stats. Something like super strength should have a few defense points added to it and word of power should have a few more bolts of lightening strike that not only knock back, give power and heal especially since those would be given a slight boost but also the power now electricfies them and leaves them on the ground with a power interaction. The helper bots could be upgraded to a brainiac drone for villains and a watch tower drone for heroes or something to that extent.

    I think something along these lines is the only way from stopping people from getting to strong to fast, CR isnt viable since if you buy enough replays getting from lv1 to cr96 is way to easy.
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  19. HumanoidThrills Well-Known Player

    I would like to see the iconic powers (non-innate) brought in line with other powers. As for added iconics, I would like to see Bizarro's flame breath and freeze beams added.
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  20. LucidityKJ Dedicated Player

    The female demonic head + fire breath + demonic wings + insectoid boots + Demonic chest and legs, plus Biomech hands = dragon. Now I really want fire breath.
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