Iconic leagues holding you back?....

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by ITony StarkI, Aug 2, 2017.

  1. ITony StarkI Active Player

    You want to play as one of your favorite iconic characters. You want to fight as they would fight in combat. You want to make your character perfect. You want to use the abilities they would use, and create iconic costumes to embody their persona.


    You want to be as powerful as the iconic character you're playing as. You want to be good at this game. You want to play endgame content. You want SKILL POINTS!


    Every league you join just wants to stand around playing with their costumes. Most of the members in your league have low skill points and not much desire to get more. The league may have many members yet be quite inactive. And the ones that are on, are standing around the Little Bohemia PD in metropolis all day long.


    If this is you, then we are the league you've been looking for! The league is named "Infinite Icons". We are a new, quickly growing, iconic league. We accept characters from DC, Marvel, Dragonball Z, Naruto, Star Wars, etc. We are looking for people who love to play as their favorite iconic characters and wish to take their skills to the next level.

    Please contact me here or in game.

    Gadgets Controller
    CR 205
    SP 280

    Or my council members.

    ZatannaJ L
    Sorcery DPS/Healer
    CR 201
    SP 294

    Munitions DPS/Controller
    CR 201
    SP 309
  2. ITony StarkI Active Player

    We are now up to 23 members and proud to say our average SP is at 186 and steadily increasing!