Iconic Lair Themes

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Novaks, Aug 19, 2014.

  1. Novaks New Player

    After I watched SOE Live 2014 stream and saw the dev's intentions to bring more customization to what you can do to your character and lair, I started wondering how far can the dev's take it to immerse us even more into the game.

    My idea? I would like to see Iconic Lair Themes in the game. A room (dev's can can choose the room they want as a template) from any instance could be used as a lair by adding a mainframe, generator and the spots for the amenities. I understand that is more complicated than what I'm making it sound to be but just imagine how epic would it be to live and furnish the room from the pictures below.

    Fortress of Solitude, Batcave, Khandaq, Themyscira and other locations would be a nice. A man can only dream right?

    Fortress of solitude

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  2. Fenrir New Player

    Yes. So much yes.
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  3. Zeo Committed Player

    Mogo, Ranx and Ysmault (I think), so we can have our construct backups :3
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  4. Novaks New Player

    Those locations would be amazing for lantern players :D
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  5. Gale Reaper Dedicated Player

    INB4 no more lanterns.
  6. Bast10n Committed Player

    They also said that the reason there is only one lair floor plan is because they plan on doing PVE content in our Lairs. I'm not so sure they can pull off a Fortress of solitude theme with the same lair floor plan that we have...

    I'm cant wait for the Deep Sea League hall theme and would love to see an underwater lair theme. (thinking Summer seasonal event)
  7. Novaks New Player

    I hope they consider it though because having the same floor plan for all lairs is boring. BTW I'm excited to see Deep Sea League Hall too!
  8. Quintus Adrien Well-Known Player

    +1 great idea, it would be awesome!
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  9. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Even though my toon's a hero, i definitely would prefer ranx over a mogo themed base . But oh! What about a sciencells themed lair? :eek: like the gl floor in sciencells is in every room in the lair albeit smaller. With white metal walls and ect. That would be awesome. And a FOS themed lair? Make it happen please.
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  10. Sorwen Well-Known Player

    I agree it would be very cool.
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  11. DCFanatical Dedicated Player

    I don't know that I want an iconic lair theme, per-say. II mean part of what makes the Fortress or Batcave so special is the uniqueness of it.

    That said, I don't have a problem with a Sunstone theme lair theme that would look similar to the FoS. Likewise you could have other themes that while not the same are similar enough for the purposes. Not sure how you would do the batcave (other then Cave Theme with Tech decorations), Themyscira, or Khandaq. But I wouldn't necessarily be opposed. You could also have a Deep Sea/Aquatic theme like Atlantis. Ranx and Mogo style themes (not sure what they would be called. Since I am guessing having a lair "on" either of those is probably out) could be interesting too. Ysmault would be cool. if you could find a theme, but I am not sure what you would use. It isn't really a "Base" so much as an open world. Guess we will see when the Devs add it.
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  12. AzraelR Committed Player

    Yes, why not :)

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  13. Novaks New Player

    yes it would!! :D
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  14. Novaks New Player

  15. Magnificent Loyal Player

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  16. Blight KOBRA Commander

    I'd like an Iconic lair theme based on Ranx.



    We'd need to be able to change the major light colors in the environment though, like the yellows and blues, to suit our own character's theme.
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  17. Novaks New Player

    Looks awesome. We need themes like these :D. I would like to know from a dev if using a portion of a raid/alert/duo/solo location as a lair room is even possible.