Ice Tanking suggestions....

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by babyshark90, Jul 19, 2020.

  1. babyshark90 New Player

    ok so i need some suggestions or maybe a little help with ice tanking. Hopefully im right so basically ice is a easy power to tank and stuff got like craxy shields and stuff but im a little unsure if im running correct artifacts for it. Im running everyman proto, mystic, and manicles. All maxed out. Are they the correct arts to run anything let say from reg raids to elite? Any suggestions? Thanks
  2. Goofycross Well-Known Player

    Those are the same artifacts I use. I am able to tank all elite content at 301 cr. Most tank artifacts are 120 ish.
  3. The Anxient Loyal Player

    You should be fine with those arts. Some people would possibly swap mystic symbol in there but it will differ depending on who you ask. Are you struggling with it?
  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Those Artifacts are fine. If you use a SC you could substitute the Everyman for EoG. If you don't use a SC you could substitute the Everyman for the new Lasso artifact that's coming soon.
  5. babyshark90 New Player

    Ahh ok, im doing fine with them just asking because i saw another ice tank use disfrctor instead everyman... idk if i should get new art tho. Which would i sacrifice for the new art?
  6. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    The Everyman artifact does the least for Ice's playstyle.
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  7. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    I use Manacles for shield bonus, Mystic because the extra defense doesn't hurt and EoG because I use movement mode Shield SC.
  8. Nu31 Well-Known Player

    I use Manacles, Mystic, and Diluestel.
    - Everyman Prototype does not suit ice well at all because ice tanks' health does not fluctuate like other tank powers' health bars do.
    - I use Diluestel because we maximize the potential for the artifact due to our high Dominance stat.
    - I personally do not like EoG because I feel ice does not ever utilize a supercharge enough for that artifact to be useful.
  9. SaranVikram93 New Player

    yes, the third one eog is a must
    for normal instances(i mean non-elite) while in dps role keep only winter ward shield , sc generator and blizzard in loadout , and put weapon combo into your rotation like doom spin with two handed fills the sc bar fast . spam that blizzard evry 2 minute and for a chance of crit, cast it right after doom spin and keep your trinket to dps and switch it on before hitting the blizzard . now u can cast the blizzzard again when trinket cooldown is finished

    now coming to actual tanking why eog works
    swapping 2 good shields(winter ward and hardlight shield) not going to work in elite content and remaining 2 ice shields are not strong for the content. we are stuck with ice which has no source for health regeneration and our dependance on shields
    makes eog an obvious choice for it to get ourselves another shield which is a supercharge readied in the midst of a battle.

    Also im new to this game played only for a month ,but it is working for me .
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